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30 Sep 2009

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2009 PHRF Division 1 & 2 Results

Britannia Yacht Club runs the racing for Tuesday night PHRF racing in Divisions 1 & 2. BYC is responsible for scoring these races, and results are posted on BYC's Race Results page. Results on this page are copied from BYC's web site periodically, to provide a back-up to BYC's server, and to provide a complete record of NSC racing. Note that in the event of a discrepancy between the results posted on the NSC and BYC web sites, the BYC results are likely more current, and thus likely more accurate.

Return to the Main Results Page.


  • Results:
    • May 5: Practice Race, W Course, Winds Easterly 8-15 knots.
    • May 12: Race #1, W Course, Winds Westerly 4-6 knots, dieing to 1-3 knots.
    • May 19: Race #2, W Course, Winds West-Northwesterly 10-18 knots.
    • May 26: Race #3, W Course, Winds Easterly 8-12 knots.
    • June 2: Race #4, W Course, Winds Westerly 6-12 knots.
    • June 9: No wind, No race.
    • June 16: Race #5, W Course, Winds East South-Easterly 4-7 knots.
    • June 23: No wind, No race.
    • Cumulative & Individual Results - 5 Races Total, from BYC's web site.


  • Results:
    • June 30: Race #1, Wind East South-Easterly 8-12 knots, then thunderstorms. Race postponed, then started, then cancelled.
    • July 7: Race #2, No wind, No race.
    • July 14: Race #3, W Course, Winds West Northwesterly 8-15 knots.
    • July 21: Race #4, W Course, Winds East Northeasterly 4-8 knots.
    • July 28: Race #5, W Course, Winds Southerly 8-15 knots.
    • August 4: Race #6 cancelled due to thunderstorms.
    • August 11: Race #7, W Course, Winds Westerly 2-5 knots.
    • Cumulative & Individual Results - 4 Races Total, from BYC's web site.

    Note: These results still contain known errors.


  • Results:
    • August 18: Race #1, W Course, Winds West Southwesterly 5-10 knots.
    • August 25: Race #2, W Course, Winds South Southwesterly 8-14 knots.
    • September 1: Race #3, W Course, Winds Southwesterly 4-7 knots.
    • September 8: Race #4, W Course, Winds Northerly 4-8 knots.
    • September 15: Race #5, W Course, Winds North Northwesterly 8-12 knots.
    • September 22: Race #6, W Course, Winds Southwesterly 6-10 knots.
    • September 29: Race #7, Course, Winds Westerly, 10-25+ knots.
    • Cumulative & Individual Results - 7 Races Total, from BYC's web site.

More wind and weather details for most evenings are available here.

Updated by Hugh Morrin.


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