Our annual Midnight Madness Race was held on a beautiful moonlit night this past Friday. Eleven avid skippers and their crew embarked on this mission to sail in the dark, and to challenge their sailing abilities.

From my perspective it was amazing with a full moon and many boats adorning interesting arrangements of lights. John Gardner, our Head Race Bosun, takes Midnight Madness to a new level with his enthusiasm. This year’s start was clean with no drama at the start line.

The winds were from the south at 4-7 knots for part of the race, but dropped to almost nothing near the finish line. Hugh Morrin and crew on Blue Zulu crossed the finish line first, followed 36 minutes later by Georges-André Chaudron and crew on Xel-Ha. Xel-Ha and Windscot (Rejean Tremblay and crew) must have had a good battle to the finish line as there was only a little over two mins separating 2nd and 3rd place. See the full results; the After Hours Bowl goes to Blue Zulu.

Check-out this collection of photos from the evening, including the one below.

Thanks to all the participants for coming out and lighting up the Ottawa River. I was impressed by our younger sailors for their great spirit and participation. Special thanks go to Hugh Morrin, John Gardner & Jennifer Holliday, for their support.

David Morralee
Midnight Madness Organizer

Note: for those who enjoy night sailing, be sure to join us for the Pinhey’s Point Sunset Time Trial on Friday, August 26.

Midnight Madness photo

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