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Britannia Yacht Club runs the racing for Thursday night one-design. BYC is responsible for scoring these races, and results are posted on BYC’s Race Results page. Results on this page are copied from BYC’s website periodically, to provide a back-up to BYC’s server, and to provide a complete record of NSC racing. Note that in the event of a discrepancy between the results posted on the NSC and BYC websites, the BYC results are likely more current, and thus likely more accurate.




Results posted by Hugh Morrin.

Page updated: 2022-08-16.

Update log:
2022-03-04, JLH: Created page.
2022-05-16, HM: Updated link to BYC results, to point to, instead of
2022-06-09, HM: Pointed Spring Series to BYC website.
2022-06-29, HM: Saved Spring Series results to NSC server and updated link. Updated link for Summer Series to point to BYC results.
2022-08-16, HM: Pointed Fall Series to BYC website.

Page maintained by Chief Scorer