Harness the Power of Your Smartphone

For years, boats participating in up-river racing events have been required to record and submit their finish times. However, relying solely on manual timekeeping can lead to errors and inaccuracies. Fortunately, there is a simple and precise method to capture both your time and location effortlessly, anytime, anywhere.

Utilize Your Smartphone’s Features

Modern smartphones come equipped with internal clocks that are synchronized with the cellular network’s highly accurate time reference. Additionally, smartphones feature built-in GPS capabilities that can tag the location of a photo. By leveraging these features, you can easily ensure accurate time and location tracking.

Setting Automatic Date & Time on Your Smartphone

  • iPhone: Go to Settings > General > Date & time > [Select] Set Automatically.
  • Android: Go to Settings > General Management > Date and Time > [Select] “Automatic date and time” to “On”.

Enabling Geo-Tagging for Photos

  • iPhone: Go to Settings > Privacy > Location Services > Camera > [Select] While Using the App.
  • Android: Turn on the camera > click on the settings icon (top left) > [Select] “Location Tags” to “On”.

Exploring Additional Tools

For those seeking more advanced options, the free Race Qs App can provide highly accurate records of start and finish times by utilizing GPS coordinates of the designated lines. However, it’s important to note that GPS apps can drain your battery faster than usual. Another helpful tool is Irfanview, a powerful graphics viewing application for Windows that allows you to view EXIF information, display the photo’s time to the second, and visualize GPS coordinates in Google Maps. iPhone users can explore the EXIF Viewer app, which offers similar functionality.

An Example of the EXIF Info

This photo shows that it was taken 2021-06-27 at 14:21:30, at a lat/long of 45.36374°, -75.82086°; that lat/long is shown to the right, or below, in Google Maps.

Even if the location data is not available, the photo itself serves as evidence that the boat was present at the P mark at 14:21:30 and crossed the finish line as described in Part I of the Sailing Instructions. While the location data is an added bonus, it can be particularly useful if the photographer failed to capture the P mark in the photo.

Capturing Proof with Photos

By taking a photo with your smartphone as you cross the finish line, you not only have visual proof of your boat’s presence but also the accurate time tagged to the photo. The location of the photo can also be saved through geo-tagging, further enhancing the record-keeping process.

Submitting Photos and Times

When submitting your start and/or finish times, attach the corresponding photos to your email. Avoid editing the photos, as most edits can remove the EXIF (Exchangeable Image File) information. Sending the photos at a lower resolution is acceptable, as it won’t affect the EXIF data. For iPhones, a “Large” resolution is usually suitable.

Photographing Other Boats

Boats are encouraged to capture photos of the boats ahead or behind them as they cross the finish line. These images can serve as useful references in case individuals encounter difficulties accurately recording their own finish times.

Remember, accurate timekeeping is made simple and convenient with your smartphone. By following the provided instructions, you can ensure precise records of your start and finish times.

Page maintained by H. Morrin