Navigating Fairness and Resolutions: Your Guide to Effective Protest Procedures

To submit a Protest or Request for Redress, please complete the NSC Protest form by midnight on the day following the race in question. 

Protest flag up

You can choose to fill out the form electronically using the MS Word version or manually using the pdf version. After completion, scan or take a photo of the form and send it as a jpg or pdf attachment to the protest coordinators. It is recommended to complete the diagram by hand, even if pages 1 & 2 are completed using MSWord. If you don’t have access to a scanner, you may submit the form by email, excluding the diagram. In that case, bring three copies of the diagram to the protest/redress hearing.

For requests for redress and scoring inquiries arising from the posted results, the deadline is three days after the results are posted on the website. For example, if results are posted on Tuesday evening, requests for redress or scoring inquiries must be submitted by midnight on Friday. Scoring inquiries that cannot be independently verified by the Race Committee (RC) will be referred to a redress hearing.

Upon receiving your form, one of our protest coordinators will contact you to schedule a hearing. You should receive an acknowledgment within 48 hours; if not, please contact the Protest Coordinator or Fleet Captain without delay. Hearings are typically held one week after the incident in question, following the races on that evening, either at NSC or BYC. For more information on protest coordination, please refer to this page. Protest committees generally consist of three members including at least one member from NSC and one from BYC.

If you have any questions or comments, please reach out to the protest coordinators. Additionally, if you’re interested in learning more about protest hearings or participating in a protest committee, feel free to contact the protest coordinators.

Elizabeth Pattey & Hugh Morrin, 2022 Protest Coordinators.

Update log
19 Sep: HM: Page created.
15 Jun: HM: Added update log; changed 2014 to 2015.
05 Dec: HM: Added Gerry McGrath’s name.
2019: (No changes 2016-2018)
23 Jun: HM: Added Elizabeth Pattey’s name.
11 Jul: HM: Removed reference to submission of paper protest forms (changed in 2018). Removed reference to different time limit for up-river races (also changed in 2018).


2022-08-06, HM: Updated date for current protest coordinators. Updated publish date – was 2011-09-19.

NSC Protest Coordinator’s:
2019-2022…: Elizabeth Pattey & Hugh Morrin
2016-2018: Gerry McGrath & Hugh Morrin
2014-2015: David Smith & Hugh Morrin
2011-2013: Hugh Morrin
?? to 2011: Barb James