event burgee venue burgee

NSC Cat, Dinghies & 505s, Spring Series, 2022

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Results are provisional as of 19:07 on June 23, 2022


505 Fleet

Sailed: 5, Discards: 1, To count: 4, Entries: 4, Scoring system: Appendix A
Rank Boat Name Boat Type Sail # Helm Club Rating NR Crew 060801
June 8
June 8
June 15
June 15
June 15
Total Net Wind Ratings
1st Plane Chaos 505 8610 Shona Weldon NSC 79.8     1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 (5.00 DNC) 11.00 6.00  
2nd Mystery 505 920 Marie Gendron NSC 79.8     3.00 2.00 (5.00 DNC) 2.00 1.00 13.00 8.00  
3rd Bandersnatch 505 8410 Clarissa Bush NSC 79.8     2.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 (5.00 DNC) 13.00 8.00  
4th Spaghetti Factory 505 8735 Brent Beninger NSC 79.8     4.00 4.00 (5.00 DNC) 5.00 DNC 5.00 DNC 23.00 18.00  

Cat Fleet

Sailed: 5, Discards: 1, To count: 4, Rating system: SCHRS, Entries: 2, Scoring system: Appendix A
Rank Boat Name Boat Type Sail # Helm Club Rating NR Crew 060801
June 8
June 8
June 15
June 15
June 15
Total Net Wind Ratings
1st Habana F18 2061 Joaquin Fayat NSC 1   Codie Lonsberry (2.00) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 6.00 4.00  
2nd Disaster Area Tornado (Classic) 300/362 Paul Pearl NSC 1.055     1.00 (2.00 OCF) 2.00 2.00 2.00 9.00 7.00  

Dinghy Fleet

Sailed: 5, Discards: 1, To count: 4, Rating system: USPN, Entries: 6, Scoring system: Appendix A
Rank Boat Name Boat Type Sail # Helm Club Rating NR Crew 060101
June 1
June 8
June 8
June 15
June 15
Total Net Wind Ratings
1st Sunny Daze Albacore 7969 Kerri Weller NSC 90.3     (7.00 DNC) 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 13.00 6.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
2nd Alegria Albacore 7968 Simon Igici NSC 90.3     (7.00 DNC) 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 13.00 6.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
3rd La Patate Bleu Albacore 8084 Leonore Evans NSC 90.3     1.00 3.00 3.00 OCF (4.00) 4.00 15.00 11.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
4th Lipstick Fireball 14835 Patricia Carran NSC 85.6     (7.00 DNC) 7.00 DNC 7.00 DNC 3.00 3.00 27.00 20.00 87.9,87.1,85.4,82.4
5th Two Face Laser 105969 Adam Kowalczewski NSC 91.1     (7.00 DNC) 4.00 3.00 OCF 7.00 DNC 7.00 DNC 28.00 21.00 93.7,92.3,91,88.2
6th Proteus Fireball 11136 Alan Spurdle NSC 85.6     (7.00 DNC) 5.00 7.00 DNC 7.00 DNC 7.00 DNC 33.00 26.00 87.9,87.1,85.4,82.4

Race 1 on June 22 was abandoned at 1815 due to no boats in vicinity.

If you are scored with a code of NR (not registered), it's because we have not received a race registration form for your boat. You will not be scored until this is submitted to the club registrar. Please see the Race Registration page for more information.

For any questions or comments on the results, please submit a scoring inquiry form as explained on the Scoring Inquiry page.

060801 - 505 Fleet - June 8 at 1815

Start: Start 2, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 1821, Wind dir: WNW, Ave wind: 1-6kts
Rank Boat Name Boat Type Sail # Helm Club Rating NR Crew Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCE BCR Points Wind Ratings
1 Plane Chaos 505 8610 Shona Weldon NSC 79.8     1821 18:53:38 0:32:38 0:32:38 0:00:00 0 1.00  
2 Bandersnatch 505 8410 Clarissa Bush NSC 79.8     1821 18:54:17 0:33:17 0:33:17 0:00:39 0 2.00  
3 Mystery 505 920 Marie Gendron NSC 79.8     1821 18:54:27 0:33:27 0:33:27 0:00:49 0 3.00  
4 Spaghetti Factory 505 8735 Brent Beninger NSC 79.8     1821 18:55:08 0:34:08 0:34:08 0:01:30 0 4.00  

060802 - 505 Fleet - June 8 at 1815

Start: Start 2, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 1901, Wind dir: WNW, Ave wind: 1-6kts
Rank Boat Name Boat Type Sail # Helm Club Rating NR Crew Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCE BCR Points Wind Ratings
1 Plane Chaos 505 8610 Shona Weldon NSC 79.8     1901 19:34:30 0:33:30 0:33:30 0:00:00 0 1.00  
2 Mystery 505 920 Marie Gendron NSC 79.8     1901 19:34:31 0:33:31 0:33:31 0:00:01 0 2.00  
3 Bandersnatch 505 8410 Clarissa Bush NSC 79.8     1901 19:35:18 0:34:18 0:34:18 0:00:48 0 3.00  
4 Spaghetti Factory 505 8735 Brent Beninger NSC 79.8     1901 19:36:46 0:35:46 0:35:46 0:02:16 0 4.00  

061501 - 505 Fleet - June 15 at 1815

Start: Start 2, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 1822, Wind dir: SE, Ave wind: 4-8kts
Rank Boat Name Boat Type Sail # Helm Club Rating NR Crew Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCE BCR Points Wind Ratings
1 Plane Chaos 505 8610 Shona Weldon NSC 79.8     1822 18:52:35 0:30:35 0:30:35 0:00:00 0 1.00  
2 Bandersnatch 505 8410 Clarissa Bush NSC 79.8     1822 18:52:40 0:30:40 0:30:40 0:00:05 0 2.00  

061502 - 505 Fleet - June 15 at 1815

Start: Start 2, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 1901, Wind dir: SE, Ave wind: 4-8kts
Rank Boat Name Boat Type Sail # Helm Club Rating NR Crew Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCE BCR Points Wind Ratings
1 Bandersnatch 505 8410 Clarissa Bush NSC 79.8     1901 19:30:56 0:29:56 0:29:56 0:00:00 0 1.00  
2 Mystery 505 920 Marie Gendron NSC 79.8     1901 19:31:18 0:30:18 0:30:18 0:00:22 0 2.00  
3 Plane Chaos 505 8610 Shona Weldon NSC 79.8     1901 19:32:15 0:31:15 0:31:15 0:01:19 0 3.00  

061503 - 505 Fleet - June 15 at 1815

Start: Start 2, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 1939, Wind dir: SE, Ave wind: 4-8kts
Rank Boat Name Boat Type Sail # Helm Club Rating NR Crew Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCE BCR Points Wind Ratings
1 Mystery 505 920 Marie Gendron NSC 79.8     1939 20:10:15 0:31:15 0:31:15 0:00:00 0 1.00  

060801 - Cat Fleet - June 8 at 1815

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 1818, Wind dir: WNW, Ave wind: 1-6 kts
Rank Boat Name Boat Type Sail # Helm Club Rating NR Crew Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCE BCR Points Wind Ratings
1 Disaster Area Tornado (Classic) 300/362 Paul Pearl NSC 1.055     1818 18:58:08 0:40:08 0:38:02 0:00:00 1.055 1.00  
2 Habana F18 2061 Joaquin Fayat NSC 1   Codie Lonsberry 1818 18:56:24 0:38:24 0:38:24 0:00:22 1.009 2.00  

060802 - Cat Fleet - June 8 at 1815

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 1904, Wind dir: WNW, Ave wind: 1-6 kts
Rank Boat Name Boat Type Sail # Helm Club Rating NR Crew Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCE BCR Points Wind Ratings
1 Habana F18 2061 Joaquin Fayat NSC 1   Codie Lonsberry 1904 19:42:59 0:38:59 0:38:59 0:00:00 1 1.00  
2 Disaster Area Tornado (Classic) 300/362 Paul Pearl NSC 1.055     1904 19:57:16 OCF       2.00  

061501 - Cat Fleet - June 15 at 1815

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 1819, Wind dir: SE, Ave wind: 4-8 kts
Rank Boat Name Boat Type Sail # Helm Club Rating NR Crew Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCE BCR Points Wind Ratings
1 Habana F18 2061 Joaquin Fayat NSC 1   Codie Lonsberry 1819 18:44:10 0:25:10 0:25:10 0:00:00 1 1.00  
2 Disaster Area Tornado (Classic) 300/362 Paul Pearl NSC 1.055     1819 18:49:08 0:30:08 0:28:34 0:03:35 1.197 2.00  

061502 - Cat Fleet - June 15 at 1815

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 1858, Wind dir: SE, Ave wind: 4-8 kts
Rank Boat Name Boat Type Sail # Helm Club Rating NR Crew Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCE BCR Points Wind Ratings
1 Habana F18 2061 Joaquin Fayat NSC 1   Codie Lonsberry 1858 19:21:41 0:23:41 0:23:41 0:00:00 1 1.00  
2 Disaster Area Tornado (Classic) 300/362 Paul Pearl NSC 1.055     1858 19:29:29 0:31:29 0:29:51 0:06:30 1.329 2.00  

061503 - Cat Fleet - June 15 at 1815

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 193641, Wind dir: SE, Ave wind: 4-8 kts
Rank Boat Name Boat Type Sail # Helm Club Rating NR Crew Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCE BCR Points Wind Ratings
1 Habana F18 2061 Joaquin Fayat NSC 1   Codie Lonsberry 193641 20:00:03 0:23:22 0:23:22 0:00:00 1 1.00  
2 Disaster Area Tornado (Classic) 300/362 Paul Pearl NSC 1.055     193641 20:09:29 0:32:48 0:31:05 0:08:09 1.404 2.00  

060101 - Dinghy Fleet - June 1 at 1815

Start: Start 3, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 1815, Wind: SE 2-3, Ave wind: 3-6 kts
Rank Boat Name Boat Type Sail # Helm Club Rating NR Crew Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCE BCR Points Wind Ratings
1 La Patate Bleu Albacore 8084 Leonore Evans NSC 92.5     1815 18:40:00 0:25:00 0:27:02 0:00:00 92.5 1.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8

060801 - Dinghy Fleet - June 8 at 1815

Start: Start 3, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 1824, Wind: WNW 2-3, Ave wind: 1-6 kts
Rank Boat Name Boat Type Sail # Helm Club Rating NR Crew Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCE BCR Points Wind Ratings
1 Alegria Albacore 7968 Simon Igici NSC 92.5     1824 18:54:31 0:30:31 0:32:59 0:00:00 92.5 1.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
2 Sunny Daze Albacore 7969 Kerri Weller NSC 92.5     1824 18:54:43 0:30:43 0:33:12 0:00:12 93.106 2.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
3 La Patate Bleu Albacore 8084 Leonore Evans NSC 92.5     1824 18:58:32 0:34:32 0:37:20 0:04:01 104.675 3.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
4 Two Face Laser 105969 Adam Kowalczewski NSC 92.3     1824 18:58:33 0:34:33 0:37:26 0:04:06 104.726 4.00 93.7,92.3,91,88.2
5 Proteus Fireball 11136 Alan Spurdle NSC 87.1     1824 18:57:45 0:33:45 0:38:45 0:05:01 102.301 5.00 87.9,87.1,85.4,82.4

060802 - Dinghy Fleet - June 8 at 1815

Start: Start 3, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 1907, Wind: WNW 2-3, Ave wind: 1-6 kts
Rank Boat Name Boat Type Sail # Helm Club Rating NR Crew Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCE BCR Points Wind Ratings
1 Sunny Daze Albacore 7969 Kerri Weller NSC 92.5     1907 19:42:36 0:35:36 0:38:29 0:00:00 92.5 1.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
2 Alegria Albacore 7968 Simon Igici NSC 92.5     1907 19:46:04 0:39:04 0:42:14 0:03:28 101.507 2.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
3 La Patate Bleu Albacore 8084 Leonore Evans NSC 92.5         OCF       3.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
3 Two Face Laser 105969 Adam Kowalczewski NSC 92.3         OCF       3.00 93.7,92.3,91,88.2

061501 - Dinghy Fleet - June 15 at 1815

Start: Start 3, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 1828, Wind: SE 2-3, Ave wind: 4-8kts
Rank Boat Name Boat Type Sail # Helm Club Rating NR Crew Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCE BCR Points Wind Ratings
1 Alegria Albacore 7968 Simon Igici NSC 92.5     1828 18:52:28 0:24:28 0:26:27 0:00:00 92.5 1.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
2 Sunny Daze Albacore 7969 Kerri Weller NSC 92.5     1828 18:52:31 0:24:31 0:26:30 0:00:03 92.689 2.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
3 Lipstick Fireball 14835 Patricia Carran NSC 87.1     1828 18:51:30 0:23:30 0:26:59 0:00:28 88.845 3.00 87.9,87.1,85.4,82.4
4 La Patate Bleu Albacore 8084 Leonore Evans NSC 92.5     1828 18:56:47 0:28:47 0:31:07 0:04:19 108.82 4.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8

061502 - Dinghy Fleet - June 15 at 1815

Start: Start 3, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 1904, Wind: SE 2-3, Ave wind: 4-8kts
Rank Boat Name Boat Type Sail # Helm Club Rating NR Crew Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCE BCR Points Wind Ratings
1 Sunny Daze Albacore 7969 Kerri Weller NSC 92.5     1904 19:29:21 0:25:21 0:27:24 0:00:00 92.5 1.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
2 Alegria Albacore 7968 Simon Igici NSC 92.5     1904 19:29:27 0:25:27 0:27:31 0:00:06 92.865 2.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
3 Lipstick Fireball 14835 Patricia Carran NSC 87.1     1904 19:29:40 0:25:40 0:29:28 0:01:48 93.655 3.00 87.9,87.1,85.4,82.4
4 La Patate Bleu Albacore 8084 Leonore Evans NSC 92.5     1904 19:33:00 0:29:00 0:31:21 0:03:39 105.819 4.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8

Scoring codes used

DNCDid not come to the starting area
OCFOn course finish



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