event burgee venue burgee

NSC/BYC Stony Point Race, 2019

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Results are final as of 15:30 on August 12, 2019

If you are scored with a code of NR (not registered), it's because we have not received a race registration form for your boat. You will not be scored until this is submitted to the club registrar.

For any questions or comments on the results, please submit a scoring inquiry form as explained on the Scoring Inquiry page.

Stony Point - Aug 11 at 1000

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 10:05:00, Course: LD, Ave wind: 4-6
Rank Boat Name Boat Type Sail # Helm Club PHRF Fleet NR Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCE BCR Points
1 Blew-By-U2 Shark 464 Fuller, Bill BYC 217 PHRF   10:05:00 16.38.54 6:33:54 6:00:47 0:00:00 217 1.00
2 Monkey Business J-24 3720 Gibson, Doug NSC 169 PHRF   10:05:00 16.20.45 6:15:45 6:13:07 0:12:25 188.504 2.00
3 Peppermint Tanzer 22 1568 Nason, Tim NSC 242 JAM   10:05:00 17.30.18 7:25:18 6:32:01 0:35:29 297.699 3.00
4 Snoekie Tanzer 22 333 Ernst, Ross NSC 242 JAM   10:05:00 17.37.01 7:32:01 6:37:55 0:42:12 308.244 4.00
5 Gone J/70 550 Kitching, Peter NSC 117 PHRF   10:05:00 16.15.20 6:10:20 6:44:37 0:40:08 180 5.00
6 Ulysses C&C 27-4 34669 Thon, Alex NSC 208 JAM   10:05:00 17.28.33 7:23:33 6:52:15 0:55:23 294.952 6.00
7 Carpe Diem Tanzer 22 14 Williamson, Brian BYC 240 JAM   10:05:00 17.55.50 7:50:50 6:55:47 1:02:17 337.787 7.00
8 Sparrow Beneteau 235 235 Valois, Robert NSC 199 PHRF   10:05:00 17.50.28 7:45:28 7:19:07 1:23:02 329.361 8.00
9 Kelsea CS 30 4675 Glover, Steven BYC 153 PHRF   10:05:00 17.25.14 7:20:14 7:29:46 1:27:06 289.744 9.00



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