event burgee venue burgee

NSC Cat, Dinghies & 505s, Summer Series, 2019

Nepean Sailing Club, Ottawa, Ontario

Results are final as of 12:39 on October 12, 2019


505 Fleet

Sailed: 8, Discards: 2, To count: 6, Entries: 11, Scoring system: Appendix A
Rank Fleet Boat Name Boat Type Sail # Club Helm Crew Rating NR 100701 100702 170701 170702 240701 240702 310701 310702 Total Net Wind Ratings
1st 505 Spaghetti Factory 505 8735 NSC Brent Beninger   79.8   (12.00 DNC) (12.00 DNC) 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 32.00 8.00  
2nd 505 Bandersnatch 505 8410 NSC Clarissa Bush Chris Gillies 79.8   2.00 (12.00 DNC) (3.00) 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 26.00 11.00  
3rd 505 Green With Envy 505 8645 NSC Marg Hurley   79.8   (12.00 DNC) 1.00 2.00 3.00 (4.00) 2.00 3.00 3.00 30.00 14.00  
4th 505 Plane Chaos 505 8610 NSC Shona Weldon   79.8   1.00 2.00 4.00 4.00 (12.00 DNC) (12.00 DNC) 4.00 5.00 44.00 20.00  
5th 505 The Pink Panther 505 8587 NSC Paul Place   79.8   (12.00 DNC) (12.00 DNC) 12.00 DNC 5.00 3.00 4.00 12.00 DNC 4.00 64.00 40.00  
6th 505 November Rain 505 8131 NSC Evelyn Simpson   79.8   4.00 4.00 (12.00 DNC) 6.00 (12.00 DNC) 12.00 DNC 12.00 DNC 12.00 DNC 74.00 50.00  
7th 505 7773 505 7773 BYC Michele Loewen   79.8   3.00 3.00 (12.00 DNC) (12.00 DNC) 12.00 DNC 12.00 DNC 12.00 DNC 12.00 DNC 78.00 54.00  
8th 505 Toil & Trouble 505 6910 NSC John Bryant Ron Hughes 79.8 1 (12.00 NR) (12.00 NR) 12.00 NR 12.00 NR 12.00 DNC 12.00 DNC 12.00 DNC 12.00 DNC 96.00 72.00  
8th 505 Suasion V 505 8368 NSC Paul Place   79.8 1 (12.00 NR) (12.00 NR) 12.00 DNC 12.00 DNC 12.00 DNC 12.00 DNC 12.00 DNC 12.00 DNC 96.00 72.00  
8th 505 Loose Unit 505 8696 NSC Debbie Ashby Dave Adams 79.8 1 (12.00 NR) (12.00 DNC) 12.00 NR 12.00 DNC 12.00 DNC 12.00 DNC 12.00 DNC 12.00 DNC 96.00 72.00  
8th 505 Sail 8233/8600 505 8600 NSC Marie Genderon   79.8 1 (12.00 NR) (12.00 NR) 12.00 NR 12.00 NR 12.00 NR 12.00 NR 12.00 NR 12.00 NR 96.00 72.00  

Cat Fleet

Sailed: 9, Discards: 2, To count: 7, Rating system: SCHRS, Entries: 6, Scoring system: Appendix A
Rank Fleet Boat Name Boat Type Sail # Club Helm Crew Rating NR 100701 100702 100703 170701 170702 240701 240702 310701 310702 Total Net Wind Ratings
1st Cat Habana F18 672 NSC Joaquin Fayat   1   1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 (7.00 DNC) (7.00 DNC) 21.00 7.00  
2nd Cat TBD Hobie 16 114482 NSC John Lunn   1.197   2.00 2.00 (7.00 DNC) 2.00 3.00 3.00 (4.00) 1.00 2.00 26.00 15.00  
3rd Cat Dual Tactics F18 1670 NSC Joshua Foster   1   (7.00 DNC) (7.00 DNC) 7.00 DNC 5.00 DNF 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 35.00 21.00  
4th Cat Disaster Area Tornado (Classic) 362 NSC Paul Pearl   1.036   3.00 3.00 (7.00 DNC) 3.00 4.00 4.00 3.00 (7.00 DNC) 3.00 37.00 23.00  
5th Cat Gong Show Tornado (Spin) 325 NSC Matt Davidge   0.98 1 (7.00 DNC) (7.00 DNC) 7.00 DNC 7.00 DNC 7.00 DNC 7.00 NR 7.00 NR 7.00 NR 7.00 NR 63.00 49.00  
5th Cat Red Footed Booby I-14 620 NSC Doug McGhan   1.128 1 (7.00 DNC) (7.00 NR) 7.00 NR 7.00 DNC 7.00 NR 7.00 DNC 7.00 DNC 7.00 DNC 7.00 DNC 63.00 49.00  

Dinghy Fleet

Sailed: 10, Discards: 2, To count: 8, Rating system: USPN, Entries: 16, Scoring system: Appendix A
Rank Fleet Boat Name Boat Type Sail # Club Helm Crew Rating NR 030701 100701 100702 100703 170701 170702 240701 240702 310701 310702 Total Net Wind Ratings
1st Dinghy Sunny Daze Albacore 7969 NSC Kerri Weller   90.3   3.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 3.00 (7.00) (17.00 DNC) 46.00 22.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
2nd Dinghy Mookie Man Albacore 7933 NSC Rory Martin   90.3   7.00 RAF 2.00 6.00 RAF 1.00 2.00 1.00 (17.00 DNC) (17.00 DNC) 6.00 2.00 61.00 27.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
3rd Dinghy Proteus Fireball 11136 NSC Alan Spurdle   85.6   (17.00 DNC) 3.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 4.00 2.00 5.00 (17.00 DNC) 62.00 28.00 87.9,87.1,85.4,82.4
4th Dinghy Rocket Science Fireball 14769 NSC Rune Lausten   85.6   7.00 RAF 6.00 DNF 6.00 DNF 5.00 DNF 1.00 7.00 1.00 1.00 (17.00 DNC) (17.00 DNC) 68.00 34.00 87.9,87.1,85.4,82.4
5th Dinghy Alegria Albacore 7968 NSC Simon Igici   90.3   1.00 (17.00 DNC) (17.00 DNC) 17.00 DNC 17.00 DNC 4.00 2.50 5.00 2.00 1.00 83.50 49.50 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
6th Dinghy Lipstick Fireball 14835 NSC Andrew Carran   85.6   4.00 4.00 3.00 (17.00 DNC) (17.00 DNC) 17.00 DNC 2.50 4.00 1.00 17.00 DNC 86.50 52.50 87.9,87.1,85.4,82.4
7th Dinghy Skye Albacore 7950 NSC Dominic Goodwill Udi Nir 90.3   2.00 (17.00 DNC) (17.00 DNC) 17.00 DNC 17.00 DNC 17.00 DNC 5.00 6.00 4.00 4.00 106.00 72.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
8th Dinghy Mule Albacore 4126 NSC Pete Norwood   90.3   (17.00 DNC) (17.00 DNC) 17.00 DNC 17.00 DNC 5.00 2.00 17.00 DNC 17.00 DNC 3.00 3.00 115.00 81.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
9th Dinghy TBD Fireball 15024 NSC Mike McEvoy   85.6   (17.00 DNC) (17.00 DNC) 17.00 DNC 17.00 DNC 6.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 17.00 DNC 17.00 DNC 129.00 95.00 87.9,87.1,85.4,82.4
10th Dinghy Banshee Albacore 5646 NSC Ken Fraser   90.3   (17.00 DNC) (17.00 DNC) 17.00 DNC 17.00 DNC 17.00 DNC 17.00 DNC 8.00 7.00 17.00 DNC 17.00 DNC 151.00 117.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
11th Dinghy Impetuous Albacore 8180 NSC Irene Gunn   90.3 1 (17.00 DNC) (17.00 DNC) 17.00 DNC 17.00 DNC 17.00 DNC 17.00 DNC 17.00 NR 17.00 NR 17.00 NR 17.00 NR 170.00 136.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
11th Dinghy RSG Albacore 7072 NSC Allan Dufour   90.3 1 (17.00 DNC) (17.00 DNC) 17.00 DNC 17.00 DNC 17.00 DNC 17.00 DNC 17.00 NR 17.00 NR 17.00 NR 17.00 NR 170.00 136.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
11th Dinghy TBD Albacore 8830       90.3 1 (17.00 DNC) (17.00 DNC) 17.00 DNC 17.00 DNC 17.00 DNC 17.00 DNC 17.00 DNC 17.00 DNC 17.00 DNC 17.00 NR 170.00 136.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
11th Dinghy Sliders Albacore 7958 NSC Gord Fleming   90.3 1 (17.00 DNC) (17.00 NR) 17.00 NR 17.00 NR 17.00 NR 17.00 NR 17.00 NR 17.00 NR 17.00 DNC 17.00 DNC 170.00 136.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
11th Dinghy Proud Mary Albacore 4444 NSC James Martin   90.3 1 (17.00 DNC) (17.00 NR) 17.00 NR 17.00 NR 17.00 DNC 17.00 DNC 17.00 DNC 17.00 DNC 17.00 NR 17.00 NR 170.00 136.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
11th Dinghy   Albacore 8054       90.3 1 (17.00 DNC) (17.00 DNC) 17.00 DNC 17.00 DNC 17.00 NR 17.00 NR 17.00 DNC 17.00 DNC 17.00 DNC 17.00 DNC 170.00 136.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8

To add your crew's name to the results, please send an e-mail to Mike Sink.

If you are scored with a code of NR (not registered), it's because we have not received a race registration form for your boat. You will not be scored until this is submitted to the club registrar. Please see the Race Registration page for more information.

For any questions or comments on the results, please submit a scoring inquiry form as explained on the Scoring Inquiry page.

030701 - 505 Fleet - July 3 at 18:51

Start: 505, Finishes: Finish time, Course: S, Wind: W 2-3, Ave wind: 5-10 knts
Rank Fleet Boat Name Boat Type Sail # Club Helm Crew Rating NR Place Points Wind Ratings

100701 - 505 Fleet - July 10 at 1900

Start: 505, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 1824, Course: S, Wind: W 5-9, Ave wind: 5-10 knts
Rank Fleet Boat Name Boat Type Sail # Club Helm Crew Rating NR Place Points Wind Ratings
1 505 Plane Chaos 505 8610 NSC Shona Weldon   79.8   2 1.00  
2 505 Bandersnatch 505 8410 NSC Clarissa Bush Chris Gillies 79.8   3 2.00  
3 505 7773 505 7773 BYC Michele Loewen   79.8   6 3.00  
4 505 November Rain 505 8131 NSC Evelyn Simpson   79.8   8 4.00  
5 505 Toil & Trouble 505 6910 NSC John Bryant Ron Hughes 79.8 1 NR 12.00  
5 505 Suasion V 505 8368 NSC Paul Place   79.8 1 NR 12.00  
5 505 Loose Unit 505 8696 NSC Debbie Ashby Dave Adams 79.8 1 NR 12.00  
5 505 Sail 8233/8600 505 8600 NSC Marie Genderon   79.8 1 NR 12.00  

100702 - 505 Fleet - July 10 at 1900

Start: 505, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 1909, Course: S, Wind: W 5-9, Ave wind: 5-10 knts
Rank Fleet Boat Name Boat Type Sail # Club Helm Crew Rating NR Place Points Wind Ratings
1 505 Green With Envy 505 8645 NSC Marg Hurley   79.8   2 1.00  
2 505 Plane Chaos 505 8610 NSC Shona Weldon   79.8   4 2.00  
3 505 7773 505 7773 BYC Michele Loewen   79.8   6 3.00  
4 505 November Rain 505 8131 NSC Evelyn Simpson   79.8   7 4.00  
5 505 Toil & Trouble 505 6910 NSC John Bryant Ron Hughes 79.8 1 NR 12.00  
5 505 Suasion V 505 8368 NSC Paul Place   79.8 1 NR 12.00  
5 505 Sail 8233/8600 505 8600 NSC Marie Genderon   79.8 1 NR 12.00  

100703 - 505 Fleet - July 10 at 1900

Start: 505, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 1947, Course: S, Wind: W 5-9, Ave wind: 5-10 knts
Rank Fleet Boat Name Boat Type Sail # Club Helm Crew Rating NR Place Points Wind Ratings

170701 - 505 Fleet - July 17 at 18:18

Start: 505, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 18:18, Course: S, Wind: W 5-9, Ave wind: 5-10 knts
Rank Fleet Boat Name Boat Type Sail # Club Helm Crew Rating NR Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCE Points Wind Ratings
1 505 Spaghetti Factory 505 8735 NSC Brent Beninger   79.8   18:18 18:48:38 0:30:38 0:30:38 0:00:00 1.00  
2 505 Green With Envy 505 8645 NSC Marg Hurley   79.8   18:18 18:48:41 0:30:41 0:30:41 0:00:03 2.00  
3 505 Bandersnatch 505 8410 NSC Clarissa Bush Chris Gillies 79.8   18:18 18:48:53 0:30:53 0:30:53 0:00:15 3.00  
4 505 Plane Chaos 505 8610 NSC Shona Weldon   79.8   18:18 18:50:09 0:32:09 0:32:09 0:01:31 4.00  
5 505 Toil & Trouble 505 6910 NSC John Bryant Ron Hughes 79.8 1 18:18 18:48:19 NR     12.00  
5 505 Loose Unit 505 8696 NSC Debbie Ashby Dave Adams 79.8 1 18:18 18:49:45 NR     12.00  
5 505 Sail 8233/8600 505 8600 NSC Marie Genderon   79.8 1 18:18 18:47:58 NR     12.00  

170702 - 505 Fleet - July 17 at 1815

Start: 505, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 19:03, Course: S, Wind: W 5-9, Ave wind: 5-10 knts
Rank Fleet Boat Name Boat Type Sail # Club Helm Crew Rating NR Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCE Points Wind Ratings
1 505 Spaghetti Factory 505 8735 NSC Brent Beninger   79.8   19:03 19:41:53 0:38:53 0:38:53 0:00:00 1.00  
2 505 Bandersnatch 505 8410 NSC Clarissa Bush Chris Gillies 79.8   19:03 19:42:04 0:39:04 0:39:04 0:00:11 2.00  
3 505 Green With Envy 505 8645 NSC Marg Hurley   79.8   19:03 19:43:09 0:40:09 0:40:09 0:01:16 3.00  
4 505 Plane Chaos 505 8610 NSC Shona Weldon   79.8   19:03 19:43:41 0:40:41 0:40:41 0:01:48 4.00  
5 505 The Pink Panther 505 8587 NSC Paul Place   79.8   19:03 19:47:24 0:44:24 0:44:24 0:05:31 5.00  
6 505 November Rain 505 8131 NSC Evelyn Simpson   79.8   19:03 19:47:29 0:44:29 0:44:29 0:05:36 6.00  
7 505 Toil & Trouble 505 6910 NSC John Bryant Ron Hughes 79.8 1 19:03 19:43:41 NR     12.00  
7 505 Sail 8233/8600 505 8600 NSC Marie Genderon   79.8 1 19:03 19:43:47 NR     12.00  

240701 - 505 Fleet - July 24 at 1800

Start: 505, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 1818, Course: S, Wind: W 5-9, Ave wind: 5-10 knts
Rank Fleet Boat Name Boat Type Sail # Club Helm Crew Rating NR Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCE Points Wind Ratings
1 505 Spaghetti Factory 505 8735 NSC Brent Beninger   79.8   1818 18:48:20 0:30:20 0:30:20 0:00:00 1.00  
2 505 Bandersnatch 505 8410 NSC Clarissa Bush Chris Gillies 79.8   1818 18:48:40 0:30:40 0:30:40 0:00:20 2.00  
3 505 The Pink Panther 505 8587 NSC Paul Place   79.8   1818 18:51:25 0:33:25 0:33:25 0:03:05 3.00  
4 505 Green With Envy 505 8645 NSC Marg Hurley   79.8   1818 18:57:20 0:39:20 0:39:20 0:09:00 4.00  
5 505 Sail 8233/8600 505 8600 NSC Marie Genderon   79.8 1 1818 18:48:16 NR     12.00  

240702 - 505 Fleet - July 24 at 1800

Start: 505, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 1909, Course: S, Wind: W 5-9, Ave wind: 5-10 knts
Rank Fleet Boat Name Boat Type Sail # Club Helm Crew Rating NR Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCE Points Wind Ratings
1 505 Bandersnatch 505 8410 NSC Clarissa Bush Chris Gillies 79.8   1909 19:39:12 0:30:12 0:30:12 0:00:00 1.00  
2 505 Green With Envy 505 8645 NSC Marg Hurley   79.8   1909 19:40:02 0:31:02 0:31:02 0:00:50 2.00  
3 505 Spaghetti Factory 505 8735 NSC Brent Beninger   79.8   1909 19:40:06 0:31:06 0:31:06 0:00:54 3.00  
4 505 The Pink Panther 505 8587 NSC Paul Place   79.8   1909 19:41:03 0:32:03 0:32:03 0:01:51 4.00  
5 505 Sail 8233/8600 505 8600 NSC Marie Genderon   79.8 1 1909 19:40:08 NR     12.00  

310701 - 505 Fleet - July 31 at 18:15

Start: 505, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 1822, Course: S, Wind: W 5-9, Ave wind: 5-10 knts
Rank Fleet Boat Name Boat Type Sail # Club Helm Crew Rating NR Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCE Points Wind Ratings
1 505 Spaghetti Factory 505 8735 NSC Brent Beninger   79.8   1822 18:51:30 0:29:30 0:29:30 0:00:00 1.00  
2 505 Bandersnatch 505 8410 NSC Clarissa Bush Chris Gillies 79.8   1822 18:52:59 0:30:59 0:30:59 0:01:29 2.00  
3 505 Green With Envy 505 8645 NSC Marg Hurley   79.8   1822 18:53:11 0:31:11 0:31:11 0:01:41 3.00  
4 505 Plane Chaos 505 8610 NSC Shona Weldon   79.8   1822 18:53:55 0:31:55 0:31:55 0:02:25 4.00  
5 505 Sail 8233/8600 505 8600 NSC Marie Genderon   79.8 1 1822 18:52:13 NR     12.00  

310702 - 505 Fleet - July 31 at 1815

Start: 505, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 1909, Course: S, Wind: W 5-9, Ave wind: 5-10 knts
Rank Fleet Boat Name Boat Type Sail # Club Helm Crew Rating NR Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCE Points Wind Ratings
1 505 Spaghetti Factory 505 8735 NSC Brent Beninger   79.8   1909 19:40:23 0:31:23 0:31:23 0:00:00 1.00  
2 505 Bandersnatch 505 8410 NSC Clarissa Bush Chris Gillies 79.8   1909 19:40:25 0:31:25 0:31:25 0:00:02 2.00  
3 505 Green With Envy 505 8645 NSC Marg Hurley   79.8   1909 19:41:20 0:32:20 0:32:20 0:00:57 3.00  
4 505 The Pink Panther 505 8587 NSC Paul Place   79.8   1909 19:52:40 0:43:40 0:43:40 0:12:17 4.00  
5 505 Plane Chaos 505 8610 NSC Shona Weldon   79.8   1909 19:53:19 0:44:19 0:44:19 0:12:56 5.00  
6 505 Sail 8233/8600 505 8600 NSC Marie Genderon   79.8 1 1909 19:41:50 NR     12.00  

030701 - Cat Fleet - July 3 at 18:51

Start: Cat, Finishes: Finish time, Course: S, Wind: W 2-3, Ave wind: 1-2
Rank Fleet Boat Name Boat Type Sail # Club Helm Crew Rating NR Place Points Wind Ratings

100701 - Cat Fleet - July 10 at 1900

Start: Cat, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 1818, Course: S, Wind: W 5-9, Ave wind: 5-10
Rank Fleet Boat Name Boat Type Sail # Club Helm Crew Rating NR Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCE Points Wind Ratings
1 Cat Habana F18 672 NSC Joaquin Fayat   1   1818 18:33:00 0:15:00 0:15:00 0:00:00 1.00  
2 Cat TBD Hobie 16 114482 NSC John Lunn   1.197   1818 18:56:55 0:38:55 0:32:31 0:20:58 2.00  
3 Cat Disaster Area Tornado (Classic) 362 NSC Paul Pearl   1.036   1818 18:55:32 0:37:32 0:36:14 0:22:00 3.00  

100702 - Cat Fleet - July 10 at 1900

Start: Cat, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 1903, Course: S, Wind: W 5-9, Ave wind: 5-10
Rank Fleet Boat Name Boat Type Sail # Club Helm Crew Rating NR Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCE Points Wind Ratings
1 Cat Habana F18 672 NSC Joaquin Fayat   1   1903 19:27:05 0:24:05 0:24:05 0:00:00 1.00  
2 Cat TBD Hobie 16 114482 NSC John Lunn   1.197   1903 19:35:44 0:32:44 0:27:21 0:03:54 2.00  
3 Cat Disaster Area Tornado (Classic) 362 NSC Paul Pearl   1.036   1903 19:32:20 0:29:20 0:28:19 0:04:23 3.00  
4 Cat Red Footed Booby I-14 620 NSC Doug McGhan   1.128 1 1903 19:24:59 NR     7.00  

100703 - Cat Fleet - July 10 at 1900

Start: Cat, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 1941, Course: S, Wind: W 5-9, Ave wind: 5-10
Rank Fleet Boat Name Boat Type Sail # Club Helm Crew Rating NR Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCE Points Wind Ratings
1 Cat Habana F18 672 NSC Joaquin Fayat   1   1941 20:05:33 0:24:33 0:24:33 0:00:00 1.00  
2 Cat Red Footed Booby I-14 620 NSC Doug McGhan   1.128 1 1941 20:03:13 NR     7.00  

170701 - Cat Fleet - July 17 at 18:18

Start: Cat, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 18:22, Course: S, Wind: W 5-9, Ave wind: 5-10
Rank Fleet Boat Name Boat Type Sail # Club Helm Crew Rating NR Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCE Points Wind Ratings
1 Cat Habana F18 672 NSC Joaquin Fayat   1   18:22 18:44:57 0:22:57 0:22:57 0:00:00 1.00  
2 Cat TBD Hobie 16 114482 NSC John Lunn   1.197   18:22 18:53:55 0:31:55 0:26:40 0:04:27 2.00  
3 Cat Disaster Area Tornado (Classic) 362 NSC Paul Pearl   1.036   18:22 18:52:38 0:30:38 0:29:34 0:06:51 3.00  
4 Cat Dual Tactics F18 1670 NSC Joshua Foster   1       DNF     5.00  

170702 - Cat Fleet - July 17 at 1815

Start: Cat, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 19:00, Course: S, Wind: W 5-9, Ave wind: 5-10
Rank Fleet Boat Name Boat Type Sail # Club Helm Crew Rating NR Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCE Points Wind Ratings
1 Cat Habana F18 672 NSC Joaquin Fayat   1   19:00 19:30:41 0:30:41 0:30:41 0:00:00 1.00  
2 Cat Dual Tactics F18 1670 NSC Joshua Foster   1   19:00 19:36:16 0:36:16 0:36:16 0:05:35 2.00  
3 Cat TBD Hobie 16 114482 NSC John Lunn   1.197   19:00 19:46:03 0:46:03 0:38:28 0:09:19 3.00  
4 Cat Disaster Area Tornado (Classic) 362 NSC Paul Pearl   1.036   19:00 19:43:15 0:43:15 0:41:45 0:11:28 4.00  
5 Cat Red Footed Booby I-14 620 NSC Doug McGhan   1.128 1 19:00 19:32:42 NR     7.00  

240701 - Cat Fleet - July 24 at 1800

Start: Cat, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 1822, Course: S, Wind: W 5-9, Ave wind: 5-10
Rank Fleet Boat Name Boat Type Sail # Club Helm Crew Rating NR Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCE Points Wind Ratings
1 Cat Habana F18 672 NSC Joaquin Fayat   1   1822 18:47:30 0:25:30 0:25:30 0:00:00 1.00  
2 Cat Dual Tactics F18 1670 NSC Joshua Foster   1   1822 18:48:12 0:26:12 0:26:12 0:00:42 2.00  
3 Cat TBD Hobie 16 114482 NSC John Lunn   1.197   1822 18:56:35 0:34:35 0:28:54 0:04:04 3.00  
4 Cat Disaster Area Tornado (Classic) 362 NSC Paul Pearl   1.036   1822 18:53:17 0:31:17 0:30:12 0:04:52 4.00  
5 Cat Gong Show Tornado (Spin) 325 NSC Matt Davidge   0.98 1 1822 18:53:53 NR     7.00  

240702 - Cat Fleet - July 24 at 1800

Start: Cat, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 1903, Course: S, Wind: W 5-9, Ave wind: 5-10
Rank Fleet Boat Name Boat Type Sail # Club Helm Crew Rating NR Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCE Points Wind Ratings
1 Cat Habana F18 672 NSC Joaquin Fayat   1   1903 19:27:23 0:24:23 0:24:23 0:00:00 1.00  
2 Cat Dual Tactics F18 1670 NSC Joshua Foster   1   1903 19:27:29 0:24:29 0:24:29 0:00:06 2.00  
3 Cat Disaster Area Tornado (Classic) 362 NSC Paul Pearl   1.036   1903 19:32:14 0:29:14 0:28:13 0:03:58 3.00  
4 Cat TBD Hobie 16 114482 NSC John Lunn   1.197   1903 19:39:53 0:36:53 0:30:49 0:07:42 4.00  
5 Cat Gong Show Tornado (Spin) 325 NSC Matt Davidge   0.98 1 1903 19:29:22 NR     7.00  

310701 - Cat Fleet - July 31 at 18:15

Start: Cat, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 1818, Course: S, Wind: W 5-9, Ave wind: 5-10
Rank Fleet Boat Name Boat Type Sail # Club Helm Crew Rating NR Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCE Points Wind Ratings
1 Cat TBD Hobie 16 114482 NSC John Lunn   1.197   1818 18:49:00 0:31:00 0:25:54 0:00:00 1.00  
2 Cat Dual Tactics F18 1670 NSC Joshua Foster   1   1818 18:44:37 0:26:37 0:26:37 0:00:43 2.00  
3 Cat Gong Show Tornado (Spin) 325 NSC Matt Davidge   0.98 1 1818 18:43:14 NR     7.00  

310702 - Cat Fleet - July 31 at 1815

Start: Cat, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 1905, Course: S, Wind: W 5-9, Ave wind: 5-10
Rank Fleet Boat Name Boat Type Sail # Club Helm Crew Rating NR Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCE Points Wind Ratings
1 Cat Dual Tactics F18 1670 NSC Joshua Foster   1   1905 19:30:26 0:25:26 0:25:26 0:00:00 1.00  
2 Cat TBD Hobie 16 114482 NSC John Lunn   1.197   1905 19:37:59 0:32:59 0:27:33 0:02:32 2.00  
3 Cat Disaster Area Tornado (Classic) 362 NSC Paul Pearl   1.036   1905 19:38:04 0:33:04 0:31:55 0:06:43 3.00  
4 Cat Gong Show Tornado (Spin) 325 NSC Matt Davidge   0.98 1 1905 19:29:15 NR     7.00  

030701 - Dinghy Fleet - July 3 at 18:51

Start: Dinghy, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 18:51, Course: S, Wind: W 2-3, Ave wind: 5-10 Knts
Rank Fleet Boat Name Boat Type Sail # Club Helm Crew Rating NR Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCE Points Wind Ratings
1 Dinghy Alegria Albacore 7968 NSC Simon Igici   92.5   18:51 19.12.46 0:21:46 0:23:32 0:00:00 1.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
2 Dinghy Skye Albacore 7950 NSC Dominic Goodwill Udi Nir 92.5   18:51 19.13.49 0:22:49 0:24:40 0:01:03 2.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
3 Dinghy Sunny Daze Albacore 7969 NSC Kerri Weller   92.5   18:51 19.14.27 0:23:27 0:25:21 0:01:41 3.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
4 Dinghy Lipstick Fireball 14835 NSC Andrew Carran   87.1   18:51 19.16.13 0:25:13 0:28:57 0:04:43 4.00 87.9,87.1,85.4,82.4
5 Dinghy Mookie Man Albacore 7933 NSC Rory Martin   92.5   18:51 19.13.12 RAF     7.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
5 Dinghy Rocket Science Fireball 14769 NSC Rune Lausten   87.1   18:51 19.11.33 RAF     7.00 87.9,87.1,85.4,82.4

100701 - Dinghy Fleet - July 10 at 1900

Start: Dinghy, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 1830, Course: S, Wind: W 5-9, Ave wind: 5-10 Knts
Rank Fleet Boat Name Boat Type Sail # Club Helm Crew Rating NR Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCE Points Wind Ratings
1 Dinghy Sunny Daze Albacore 7969 NSC Kerri Weller   85.8   1830 18:53:11 0:23:11 0:27:01 0:00:00 1.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
2 Dinghy Mookie Man Albacore 7933 NSC Rory Martin   85.8   1830 18:53:20 0:23:20 0:27:12 0:00:09 2.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
3 Dinghy Proteus Fireball 11136 NSC Alan Spurdle   82.4   1830 18:54:44 0:24:44 0:30:01 0:02:28 3.00 87.9,87.1,85.4,82.4
4 Dinghy Lipstick Fireball 14835 NSC Andrew Carran   82.4   1830 18:55:32 0:25:32 0:30:59 0:03:16 4.00 87.9,87.1,85.4,82.4
5 Dinghy Rocket Science Fireball 14769 NSC Rune Lausten   82.4   1830 18:00:40 DNF     6.00 87.9,87.1,85.4,82.4
6 Dinghy Sliders Albacore 7958 NSC Gord Fleming   85.8 1 1830 18:53:01 NR     17.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
6 Dinghy Proud Mary Albacore 4444 NSC James Martin   85.8 1 1830 18:53:18 NR     17.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8

100702 - Dinghy Fleet - July 10 at 1900

Start: Dinghy, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 1912, Course: S, Wind: W 5-9, Ave wind: 5-10 Knts
Rank Fleet Boat Name Boat Type Sail # Club Helm Crew Rating NR Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCE Points Wind Ratings
1 Dinghy Sunny Daze Albacore 7969 NSC Kerri Weller   85.8   1912 19:32:05 0:20:05 0:23:24 0:00:00 1.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
2 Dinghy Proteus Fireball 11136 NSC Alan Spurdle   82.4   1912 19:31:27 0:19:27 0:23:36 0:00:10 2.00 87.9,87.1,85.4,82.4
3 Dinghy Lipstick Fireball 14835 NSC Andrew Carran   82.4   1912 19:31:55 0:19:55 0:24:10 0:00:38 3.00 87.9,87.1,85.4,82.4
4 Dinghy Mookie Man Albacore 7933 NSC Rory Martin   85.8   1912 19:30:46 RAF     6.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
4 Dinghy Rocket Science Fireball 14769 NSC Rune Lausten   82.4   1912 19:29:21 DNF     6.00 87.9,87.1,85.4,82.4
6 Dinghy Sliders Albacore 7958 NSC Gord Fleming   85.8 1 1912 19:31:20 NR     17.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
6 Dinghy Proud Mary Albacore 4444 NSC James Martin   85.8 1 1912 19:32:26 NR     17.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8

100703 - Dinghy Fleet - July 10 at 1900

Start: Dinghy, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 1950, Course: S, Wind: W 5-9, Ave wind: 5-10 Knts
Rank Fleet Boat Name Boat Type Sail # Club Helm Crew Rating NR Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCE Points Wind Ratings
1 Dinghy Mookie Man Albacore 7933 NSC Rory Martin   85.8   1950 20:09:49 0:19:49 0:23:06 0:00:00 1.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
2 Dinghy Sunny Daze Albacore 7969 NSC Kerri Weller   85.8   1950 20:10:20 0:20:20 0:23:42 0:00:31 2.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
3 Dinghy Proteus Fireball 11136 NSC Alan Spurdle   82.4   1950 20:10:49 0:20:49 0:25:16 0:01:47 3.00 87.9,87.1,85.4,82.4
4 Dinghy Rocket Science Fireball 14769 NSC Rune Lausten   82.4   1950 20:07:43 DNF     5.00 87.9,87.1,85.4,82.4
5 Dinghy Sliders Albacore 7958 NSC Gord Fleming   85.8 1 1950 20:10:23 NR     17.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
5 Dinghy Proud Mary Albacore 4444 NSC James Martin   85.8 1 1950 20:11:40 NR     17.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8

170701 - Dinghy Fleet - July 17 at 18:18

Start: Dinghy, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 18:25, Course: S, Wind: W 5-9, Ave wind: 5-10 Knts
Rank Fleet Boat Name Boat Type Sail # Club Helm Crew Rating NR Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCE Points Wind Ratings
1 Dinghy Rocket Science Fireball 14769 NSC Rune Lausten   82.4   18:25 18:50:52 0:25:52 0:31:23 0:00:00 1.00 87.9,87.1,85.4,82.4
2 Dinghy Mookie Man Albacore 7933 NSC Rory Martin   85.8   18:25 18:53:34 0:28:34 0:33:18 0:01:38 2.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
3 Dinghy Sunny Daze Albacore 7969 NSC Kerri Weller   85.8   18:25 18:53:38 0:28:38 0:33:22 0:01:42 3.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
4 Dinghy Proteus Fireball 11136 NSC Alan Spurdle   82.4   18:25 18:53:09 0:28:09 0:34:10 0:02:17 4.00 87.9,87.1,85.4,82.4
5 Dinghy Mule Albacore 4126 NSC Pete Norwood   85.8   18:25 18:54:57 0:29:57 0:34:54 0:03:01 5.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
6 Dinghy TBD Fireball 15024 NSC Mike McEvoy   82.4   18:25 18:54:58 0:29:58 0:36:22 0:04:06 6.00 87.9,87.1,85.4,82.4
7 Dinghy Sliders Albacore 7958 NSC Gord Fleming   85.8 1 18:25 19:01:01 NR     17.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
7 Dinghy   Albacore 8054       85.8 1 18:25 18:54:17 NR     17.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8

170702 - Dinghy Fleet - July 17 at 1815

Start: Dinghy, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 19:07, Course: S, Wind: W 5-9, Ave wind: 5-10 Knts
Rank Fleet Boat Name Boat Type Sail # Club Helm Crew Rating NR Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCE Points Wind Ratings
1 Dinghy Mookie Man Albacore 7933 NSC Rory Martin   85.8   19:07 19:40:01 0:33:01 0:38:29 0:00:00 1.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
2 Dinghy Mule Albacore 4126 NSC Pete Norwood   85.8   19:07 19:40:48 0:33:48 0:39:24 0:00:47 2.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
3 Dinghy Sunny Daze Albacore 7969 NSC Kerri Weller   85.8   19:07 19:41:14 0:34:14 0:39:54 0:01:13 3.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
4 Dinghy Alegria Albacore 7968 NSC Simon Igici   85.8   19:07 19:41:18 0:34:18 0:39:59 0:01:17 4.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
5 Dinghy Proteus Fireball 11136 NSC Alan Spurdle   82.4   19:07 19:40:41 0:33:41 0:40:53 0:01:59 5.00 87.9,87.1,85.4,82.4
6 Dinghy TBD Fireball 15024 NSC Mike McEvoy   82.4   19:07 19:40:45 0:33:45 0:40:58 0:02:03 6.00 87.9,87.1,85.4,82.4
7 Dinghy Rocket Science Fireball 14769 NSC Rune Lausten   82.4   19:07 19:41:19 0:34:19 0:41:39 0:02:37 7.00 87.9,87.1,85.4,82.4
8 Dinghy Sliders Albacore 7958 NSC Gord Fleming   85.8 1 19:07 19:44:02 NR     17.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
8 Dinghy   Albacore 8054       85.8 1 19:07 19:41:46 NR     17.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8

240701 - Dinghy Fleet - July 24 at 1800

Start: Dinghy, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 1825, Course: S, Wind: W 5-9, Ave wind: 5-10 Knts
Rank Fleet Boat Name Boat Type Sail # Club Helm Crew Rating NR Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCE Points Wind Ratings
1 Dinghy Rocket Science Fireball 14769 NSC Rune Lausten   82.4   1825 18:47:58 0:22:58 0:27:52 0:00:00 1.00 87.9,87.1,85.4,82.4
2 Dinghy Alegria Albacore 7968 NSC Simon Igici   85.8   1825 18:51:13 0:26:13 0:30:33 0:02:18 2.50 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
2 Dinghy Lipstick Fireball 14835 NSC Andrew Carran   82.4   1825 18:50:10 0:25:10 0:30:33 0:02:12 2.50 87.9,87.1,85.4,82.4
4 Dinghy Proteus Fireball 11136 NSC Alan Spurdle   82.4   1825 18:50:29 0:25:29 0:30:56 0:02:31 4.00 87.9,87.1,85.4,82.4
5 Dinghy Skye Albacore 7950 NSC Dominic Goodwill Udi Nir 85.8   1825 18:51:35 0:26:35 0:30:59 0:02:40 5.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
6 Dinghy Sunny Daze Albacore 7969 NSC Kerri Weller   85.8   1825 18:52:24 0:27:24 0:31:56 0:03:29 6.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
7 Dinghy TBD Fireball 15024 NSC Mike McEvoy   82.4   1825 18:52:15 0:27:15 0:33:04 0:04:17 7.00 87.9,87.1,85.4,82.4
8 Dinghy Banshee Albacore 5646 NSC Ken Fraser   85.8   1825 185354 0:28:54 0:33:41 0:04:59 8.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
9 Dinghy Impetuous Albacore 8180 NSC Irene Gunn   85.8 1 1825 18:52:02 NR     17.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
9 Dinghy RSG Albacore 7072 NSC Allan Dufour   85.8 1 1825 18:53:32 NR     17.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
9 Dinghy Sliders Albacore 7958 NSC Gord Fleming   85.8 1 1825 18:51:44 NR     17.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8

240702 - Dinghy Fleet - July 24 at 1800

Start: Dinghy, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 1900, Course: S, Wind: W 5-9, Ave wind: 5-10 Knts
Rank Fleet Boat Name Boat Type Sail # Club Helm Crew Rating NR Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCE Points Wind Ratings
1 Dinghy Rocket Science Fireball 14769 NSC Rune Lausten   82.4   1900 19:21:20 0:21:20 0:25:53 0:00:00 1.00 87.9,87.1,85.4,82.4
2 Dinghy Proteus Fireball 11136 NSC Alan Spurdle   82.4   1900 19:23:58 0:23:58 0:29:05 0:02:38 2.00 87.9,87.1,85.4,82.4
3 Dinghy Sunny Daze Albacore 7969 NSC Kerri Weller   85.8   1900 19:25:04 0:25:04 0:29:13 0:02:51 3.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
4 Dinghy Lipstick Fireball 14835 NSC Andrew Carran   82.4   1900 19:24:05 0:24:05 0:29:14 0:02:45 4.00 87.9,87.1,85.4,82.4
5 Dinghy Alegria Albacore 7968 NSC Simon Igici   85.8   1900 19:25:32 0:25:32 0:29:46 0:03:19 5.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
6 Dinghy Skye Albacore 7950 NSC Dominic Goodwill Udi Nir 85.8   1900 19:25:55 0:25:55 0:30:12 0:03:42 6.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
7 Dinghy Banshee Albacore 5646 NSC Ken Fraser   85.8   1900 19:26:47 0:26:47 0:31:13 0:04:34 7.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
8 Dinghy TBD Fireball 15024 NSC Mike McEvoy   82.4   1900 19:26:08 0:26:08 0:31:43 0:04:48 8.00 87.9,87.1,85.4,82.4
9 Dinghy Impetuous Albacore 8180 NSC Irene Gunn   85.8 1 1900 19:25:42 NR     17.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
9 Dinghy RSG Albacore 7072 NSC Allan Dufour   85.8 1 1900 19:26:44 NR     17.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
9 Dinghy Sliders Albacore 7958 NSC Gord Fleming   85.8 1 1900 19:24:42 NR     17.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8

310701 - Dinghy Fleet - July 31 at 18:15

Start: Dinghy, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 1825, Course: S, Wind: W 5-9, Ave wind: 5-10 Knts
Rank Fleet Boat Name Boat Type Sail # Club Helm Crew Rating NR Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCE Points Wind Ratings
1 Dinghy Lipstick Fireball 14835 NSC Andrew Carran   82.4   1825 18:52:32 0:27:32 0:33:25 0:00:00 1.00 87.9,87.1,85.4,82.4
2 Dinghy Alegria Albacore 7968 NSC Simon Igici   85.8   1825 18:54:21 0:29:21 0:34:12 0:00:41 2.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
3 Dinghy Mule Albacore 4126 NSC Pete Norwood   85.8   1825 18:54:49 0:29:49 0:34:45 0:01:09 3.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
4 Dinghy Skye Albacore 7950 NSC Dominic Goodwill Udi Nir 85.8   1825 18:55:00 0:30:00 0:34:58 0:01:20 4.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
5 Dinghy Proteus Fireball 11136 NSC Alan Spurdle   82.4   1825 18:54:56 0:29:56 0:36:20 0:02:24 5.00 87.9,87.1,85.4,82.4
6 Dinghy Mookie Man Albacore 7933 NSC Rory Martin   85.8   1825 18:56:11 0:31:11 0:36:21 0:02:31 6.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
7 Dinghy Sunny Daze Albacore 7969 NSC Kerri Weller   85.8   1825 18:56:18 0:31:18 0:36:29 0:02:38 7.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
8 Dinghy Impetuous Albacore 8180 NSC Irene Gunn   85.8 1 1825 18:55:25 NR     17.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
8 Dinghy RSG Albacore 7072 NSC Allan Dufour   85.8 1 1825 18:58:33 NR     17.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
8 Dinghy Proud Mary Albacore 4444 NSC James Martin   85.8 1 1825 18:57:14 NR     17.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8

310702 - Dinghy Fleet - July 31 at 1815

Start: Dinghy, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 1912, Course: S, Wind: W 5-9, Ave wind: 5-10 Knts
Rank Fleet Boat Name Boat Type Sail # Club Helm Crew Rating NR Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCE Points Wind Ratings
1 Dinghy Alegria Albacore 7968 NSC Simon Igici   85.8   1912 19:41:39 0:29:39 0:34:33 0:00:00 1.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
2 Dinghy Mookie Man Albacore 7933 NSC Rory Martin   85.8   1912 19:52:44 0:40:44 0:47:28 0:11:05 2.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
3 Dinghy Mule Albacore 4126 NSC Pete Norwood   85.8   1912 19:53:08 0:41:08 0:47:56 0:11:29 3.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
4 Dinghy Skye Albacore 7950 NSC Dominic Goodwill Udi Nir 85.8   1912 19:53:15 0:41:15 0:48:05 0:11:36 4.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
5 Dinghy Impetuous Albacore 8180 NSC Irene Gunn   85.8 1 1912 19:42:20 NR     17.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
5 Dinghy RSG Albacore 7072 NSC Allan Dufour   85.8 1 1912 19:55:47 NR     17.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
5 Dinghy TBD Albacore 8830       85.8 1 1912 19:41:58 NR     17.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8
5 Dinghy Proud Mary Albacore 4444 NSC James Martin   85.8 1 1912 19:53:17 NR     17.00 94.5,92.5,88.7,85.8

Scoring codes used

DNCDid not come to the starting area
DNFStarted but did not finish
NRNot Registered
RAFRetired After Finish


Sailwave Scoring Software 2.25.4