Report on the Nepean Cup 2008

The 2008 Revival of the Nepean Cup Match Racing event served up exciting racing in exciting conditions in exciting boats. The event was hosted by the Nepean Sailing Club in Ottawa and was sailed in Ultimate 20 One Design sportboats.

The schedule called for a match race series of 20 flights with 2 matches per flight. This is an amazing 40 races to be sailed over 2 days. Fortunately the Race Committee, the competitors, and the Umpire Teams were up to the task! Saturday there was southerly wind of 12-14 knots with gusts pushing towards 18 knots. One boat had the spinnaker halyard shackle let go and was brought alongside a powerboat to be dumped so the halyard could be retrieved.

After the first round robin the leader, by one point over Van Sheppard, was Johan Koppernaes. After the second round robin they were tied at 7 points and racing was over for the day.

Sunday brought a dying breeze which began at about 12 knots and was very unstable by 3PM. The Race Committee persevered and was able to get off all the flights. In the final match Van Sheppard and crew were able to defeat Johan Koppernaes and crew for the Nepean Cup.

Photos of the event may be found at: and at:

Final results:

  1. Van Sheppard 14
  2. Johan Koppernaes 12
  3. Ted Waring 9
  4. Chris Jalkotzy 4
  5. Albert Heller 1
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