PHRF Summer Series 2006  # 4
Britannia Yacht Club
Race Date: 25 Jul 2006 Wind Speed: 4 Preliminary
Seconds *
Div Elapsed Corrected
Rank Boat Name Sail No. Rating Time Time Time
PHRF 0-165 S/M Time on Time   /   Start Time 18:20 * Time Behind is       
Sec / Hour
1 TACTIC     183 144 19:28:10 01:08:10 01:11:37
2 LOW RIDER     184 144 19:29:55 01:09:55 01:13:27 92
3 BUSTED FLUSH   46232 72 19:22:52 01:02:52 01:14:14 132
4 BAAAD KITTY     112 48 19:20:40 01:00:40 01:14:44 157
5 COLIBRI     224 129 19:29:39 01:09:39 01:14:54 165
6 HIJINX     106 135 19:30:25 01:10:25 01:15:01 171
7 FANTOME     165 129 19:32:23 01:12:23 01:17:50 312
8 ESPRESSO     237 126 19:35:00 01:15:00 01:21:02 473
PHRF 166-215 S/M Time on Time   /   Start Time 18:25 * Time Behind is       
Sec / Hour
1 THUMPER   34229 192 19:38:36 01:13:36 01:12:01
2 MALIBAR      83 171 19:36:41 01:11:41 01:12:19 15
3 SEONAID     108 213 19:41:31 01:16:31 01:12:42 34
4 WINDSCOT   74169 195 19:41:52 01:16:52 01:14:54 144
5 BLUE ZULU     894 192 19:43:23 01:18:23 01:16:42 234
6 KOKOPELLI   54126 192 19:43:29 01:18:29 01:16:48 239
7 PHOENIX     460 213 19:46:11 01:21:11 01:17:08 256
8 Knotty Gurl   43109 168 19:41:50 01:16:50 01:17:51 292
9 MANATEE      83 213 19:48:00 01:23:00 01:18:51 342
10 BOTHAN       1 201 19:47:40 01:22:40 01:19:52 392
Questions?  Contact: BOB YUILE
Printed On: 25-Jul-2006 20:41:43 Number of boats Scored 18
Scoring Program by Quick Score - Phone Dan at 585-703-2963 or Email
Do not call Quick Score about the results of this Race