Race Date: 9 Jul 2006 Wind Speed: 8 KTS
Seconds *
Div Elapsed Corrected
Rank Boat Name Sail No. Rating Time Time Time
** DIV 1 ** Time on Time   /   Start Time   * Time Behind is       
Sec / Hour
1 DEUCE COUPE    1738 219 03:11:29 03:11:29 03:00:26
2 NSC BEAGLE    1681 219 03:17:53 03:17:53 03:06:27 120
3 Low RIder     184 144 03:01:02 03:01:02 03:10:11 195
4 MANATEE      83 213 03:21:47 03:21:47 03:11:43 225
5 SEONAID     108 216 03:23:51 03:23:51 03:12:53 248
6 TANIKA     176 246 03:32:32 03:32:32 03:13:06 253
7 GENESIS   11358 219 03:25:00 03:25:00 03:13:10 254
8 TRIVIAL PURSUI     729 246 03:32:39 03:32:39 03:13:12 255
9 BLUE MIST    1450 237 03:32:30 03:32:30 03:15:24 299
10 RUSHLIGHT       1 234 03:34:00 03:34:00 03:17:34 342
11 BEAU ZEPHYR     860 222 03:38:45 03:38:45 03:25:16 495
12 LOON   25251 162 03:25:50 03:25:50 03:30:26 599
Questions?  Contact: Contact Person Unknown
Printed On: 17-Jul-2006 20:05:55 Number of boats Scored 12
Scoring Program by Quick Score - Phone Dan at 585-703-2963 or Email
Do not call Quick Score about the results of this Race