Race Date: 31 Aug 2006 Wind Speed: 5 kts
Seconds *
Div Elapsed Corrected
Rank Boat Name Sail No. Rating Time Time Time
JAM A Time on Time   /   Start Time   * Time Behind is       
Sec / Hour
1 Tactic     183 159 00:36:56 00:36:56 00:37:56
2 Velero   44165 204 00:40:33 00:40:33 00:39:01 103
3 Malibar      83 183 00:40:24 00:40:24 00:40:03 201
4 Tabasco     207 156 00:40:10 00:40:10 00:41:26 332
5 Espresso     237 156 00:40:35 00:40:35 00:41:52 373
6 Sweet Chariot   24092 144 00:40:32 00:40:32 00:42:35 441
7 Adrenalin   20915 186 00:43:39 00:43:39 00:43:05 489
8 Panache   74222 183 00:44:03 00:44:03 00:43:40 544
9 Rainy Day Woman      14 159 00:42:53 00:42:53 00:44:02 579
10 Caveat   15563 192 00:46:36 00:46:36 00:45:36 728
11 Rainbow     111 201 00:47:37 00:47:37 00:46:00 766
12 Liane 1     919 216 00:48:57 00:48:57 00:46:19 796
13 Indecision     100 216 00:58:49 00:58:49 00:55:39 1,681
14 TBD    1410 180 00:55:57 00:55:57 00:55:42 1,686
JAM B Time on Time   /   Start Time   * Time Behind is       
Sec / Hour
1 Genesis   57745 234 00:41:05 00:41:05 00:37:56
2 Rushlight       1 246 00:43:51 00:43:51 00:39:50 180
3 Manatee      83 234 00:44:07 00:44:07 00:40:44 266
4 Bodacious    1857 240 00:45:33 00:45:33 00:41:43 359
5 Pretender     636 246 00:47:32 00:47:32 00:43:11 498
6 TBD     181 246 00:47:34 00:47:34 00:43:13 501
7 Shibumi     267 240 00:47:40 00:47:40 00:43:39 543
8 Beau  Zepyr     860 222 00:47:55 00:47:55 00:44:58 667
9 Inchiiki     117 246 00:50:15 00:50:15 00:45:39 732
10 Augusta Blow   54969 219 00:49:00 00:49:00 00:46:10 781
11 Tanika     176 246 00:51:35 00:51:35 00:46:52 848
12 High Fidelity   54140 243 00:52:15 00:52:15 00:47:40 924
13 T for Two     678 225 00:51:40 00:51:40 00:48:17 982
14 Mischief      53 246 00:53:27 00:53:27 00:48:34 1,009
15 Airborne    1743 240 00:53:17 00:53:17 00:48:48 1,031
16 Swan Song      72 243 00:55:30 00:55:30 00:50:38 1,205
17 Bounty      59 234 00:55:26 00:55:26 00:51:11 1,257
999 Seonaid     108 234
JAM C Time on Time   /   Start Time   * Time Behind is       
Sec / Hour
1 Legacy    4069 255 00:47:35 00:47:35 00:42:43
2 Cecilia     836 261 00:48:09 00:48:09 00:42:54 15

3 Highlander   50952 273 00:49:59 00:49:59 00:43:51 96
4 Muskad     331 249 00:49:33 00:49:33 00:44:50 178
5 Happy Mouse      89 270 00:50:58 00:50:58 00:44:53 183
6 Indigo Mist    1431 252 00:51:42 00:51:42 00:46:36 327
7 Blue Mist    1450 252 00:51:53 00:51:53 00:46:46 341
8 Just Right   25187 327 00:57:40 00:57:40 00:47:19 388
9 Triskell     918 294 00:56:00 00:56:00 00:47:50 431
10 Coracle     183 282 00:57:06 00:57:06 00:49:31 573
12 Martin 15      15 336
Questions?  Contact: Contact Person Unknown
Printed On: 20-Sep-2006 18:21:07 Number of boats Scored 43
Scoring Program by Quick Score - Phone Dan at 585-703-2963 or Email QuickScore@USSailing.net
Do not call Quick Score about the results of this Race