Frostbite  # 6
Race Date: 15 Oct 2006 Wind Speed: 12 kts
Seconds *
Div Elapsed Corrected
Rank Boat Name Sail No. Rating Time Time Time
PHRF Time on Time   /   Start Time   * Time Behind is       
Sec / Hour
1 Shark Poop    1495 234 00:54:33 00:54:33 00:50:22
2 Blue Zulu     894 192 00:53:05 00:53:05 00:51:57 113
3 NSC Beagle    1681 219 00:55:20 00:55:20 00:52:08 126
4 Tequila    4412 165 00:52:38 00:52:38 00:53:34 229
5 Snoekie     333 219 00:57:56 00:57:56 00:54:35 301
6 Tactic     183 144 00:52:27 00:52:27 00:55:06 338
7 Azura      33 228 01:00:15 01:00:15 00:56:05 409
8 TBD     150 144 00:53:34 00:53:34 00:56:17 423
9 Low Rider     184 144 00:53:47 00:53:47 00:56:30 438
10 Seonaid     108 216 00:59:48 00:59:48 00:56:35 444
JAM Time on Time   /   Start Time 00:06 * Time Behind is       
Sec / Hour
1 Kokopelli   54126 204 00:47:02 00:41:02 00:39:29
2 Pachebel     190 243 00:50:40 00:44:40 00:40:45 115
3 Sherrie      89 240 00:51:36 00:45:36 00:41:46 208
4 T For Two     678 225 00:50:54 00:44:54 00:41:58 226
5 Rushlight       1 246 00:52:27 00:46:27 00:42:12 248
6 Caveat   15563 192 00:50:26 00:44:26 00:43:29 365
7 Presto      35 210 00:51:37 00:45:37 00:43:31 368
8 High Fidelity   54140 243 00:54:16 00:48:16 00:44:02 415
9 Jessie J    1001 261 00:55:51 00:49:51 00:44:24 448
10 BLue Mist    1450 252 01:00:31 00:54:31 00:49:08 880
Questions?  Contact: Contact Person Unknown
Printed On: 17-Oct-2006 17:09:22 Number of boats Scored 20
Scoring Program by Quick Score - Phone Dan at 585-703-2963 or Email
Do not call Quick Score about the results of this Race