Mohr Island Race
Nepean Sailing Club
Race Date: 27 Aug 2005
Div Elapsed Corrected Time *
Rank Boat Name Sail No. Rating Time Time Time Behind
** DIV 1 ** * Time Behind is Sec / Hour
PHRF Time on Time Start Time  
1 Beagle    1681 219 07:40:45 07:40:45 07:10:36
2 Mirasol      33 216 07:39:15 07:39:15 07:10:57 3
3 Seonaid     108 210 07:42:59 07:42:59 07:18:03 62
4 Manatee      83 210 07:49:48 07:49:48 07:24:30 116
Questions?  Contact: Contact Person Unknown
Printed On: 18-Mar-2006 8:26:04
Scoring Program by Quick Score - Phone Dan at 585-703-2963 or Email
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