21 Oct 2003


NSC Frostbite Series 2004

Final Results

Printed On: 17-Oct-04 17:04:41
DvRnk Boat Name Dv Pts 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 CALYPSO 3.00 1 1 1 1 (2) (7)
2 TARKA 10.00 2 (3) 2 3 3 (4)
3 BLUE ZULU 14.00 3 (8) 4 (5) 5 2
4 LOW RIDER 15.00 (13) 4 3 4 4 (10)
5 BEAGLE 16.00 5 (9) (6) 2 6 3
6 DYNAMO HUM 29.00 (8) 7 8 (18) 8 6
7 MANATEE 29.50 (10) (10) 9 8 7 5
8 ANDIAMO 31.00 7 2 12s 10s (18) (18)
9 LONE SHARK 37.50 (18) (18) 18c 18c 1 1
10 inchiki 42.00 (18) 11 7 6 (18) 18c
11 IMP 48.00 6 6 (18) (18) 18c 18c
12 WOODJCHUCK 50.00 9 5 (18) (18) 18c 18c
13 TEQUILA 52.50 11 (18) 5 (18) 18c 18c
13 BLUE STREAK 52.50 (18) (18) 9 7 18c 18c
15 WINDSCOT 53.00 4 13 (18) (18) 18c 18c
15 SEONAID 53.00 (18) (18) 18c 18c 9 8
17 007 59.50 11 12 (18) (18) 18c 18c
1 ANDIAMO 3.00 (19) (19) 1 1 1 1
2 PANACHE 8.75 1 2 (5) (4) 4 2
3 OBSESSION 11.50 (10) 3 2 (5) 2 4
4 MIROSOL 12.00 4 (5) 3 2 (5) 3
5 ZIG ZAG 16.50 (8) 3 4 (19) 3 6
6 RUSHLIGHT 18.00 3 6 6 3 (19) (19)
7 LA DOLCE VITA 27.75 2 1 13 12 (19) (19)
8 PRESTO 28.00 7 8 (9) 7 6 (10)
9 INVICTUS 34.00 (19) (11) 10 8 9 7
10 CAVEAT 36.00 6 12 7 11 (19) (19)
11 TANIKA 40.00 (19) (19) 11 10 8 11
12 SHERRIE 42.00 (19) 10 (14) 13 10 9
13 SHIBUMI 50.00 (19) (19) 19c 19c 7 5
14 DULCINEA 52.00 5 9 (19) (19) 19c 19c
14 CAROLINE 52.00 (19) (19) 8 6 19c 19c
16 PTASZYNA 59.00 (19) (19) 12 9 19c 19c
17 IMPULSE 64.00 (19) 7 (19) 19c 19c 19c
18 LUTINE 65.00 (19) (19) 19c 19c 19c 8
(  ) = Thrown out c = DNC
a = average s = DNS
q = DSQ, OCS, RAF f = DNF
% = Percent Penalty 999 = Not Qualified
Questions?   Contact: Contact Person Unknown
Scoring Program by Quick Score - Phone Dan at 585-703-2963 or Email  QuickScore@USSailing.net
Do not contact Quick Score about the results of this race series

Sailwave Scoring Software 1.42


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