27 Jul 2004


NSC Summer Series 2004

Preliminary Results

Pos Fleet Class Sail No Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Race 4 Race 5 Race 6 Race 7 Race 8 Race 9 Race 10 Race 11 Race 12 Pts
June 23 June 23 June 23 June 30 June 30 June 30 July 7 July 7 July 7 July 21 July 21 July 21
Dinghies Fleet (PN)
1st Dinghies Albacore 6700 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 DNC DNC DNC 11
2nd Dinghies Albacore 7969 3 2 2 1 2 DNF 6 DNF DNF 1 2 3 22
3rd Dinghies Albacore 6210 2 3 3 6 6 DNS 3 DNF 2 3 3 1 26
4th Dinghies Fireball 11136 8 DNF DNS 5 5 2 10 4 6 7 1 2 40
5th Dinghies Albacore 7968 DNC DNC DNC 4 4 DNS 5 3 3 2 5 DNS 50
6th Dinghies Albacore 4444 7 7 DNF 9 7 DNS 7 DNF 8 6 7 7 65
7th Dinghies Albacore 6857 4 4 5 DNC DNC DNC 4 OCS 4 DNC DNC DNC 69
8th Dinghies Fireball 10295 DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC 9 1 7 5 9 4 71
9th Dinghies Albacore 7958 DNC DNC DNC 3 3 DNF 2 DNF 5 DNC DNC DNC 77
10th Dinghies Fireball 14678 DNC DNC DNC 8 DNF DNS 12 5 DNF 8 10 6 84
11th Dinghies Fireball 12357 11 8 DNF DNC DNC DNC 11 6 DNF 9 11 DNS 92
12th Dinghies Fireball 14744 9 5 4 DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC 94
13th Dinghies CL 16 1301 DNC DNC DNC 7 DNF DNS DNC DNC DNC 4 6 DNS 94
14th Dinghies Albacore 5646 6 9 DNF DNC DNC DNC 8 DNF DNF DNC DNC DNC 97
15th Dinghies Fireball 5250 10 6 6 DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC 98
16th Dinghies Albacore 7959 DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC 4 5 99
17th Dinghies Fireball 11155 14 10 7 10 DNF DNS DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC 103
18th Dinghies Fireball 10298 12 11 DNS DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC 10 12 9 104
19th Dinghies Fireball 13890 DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC 8 8 106
20th Dinghies Albacore 7437 5 DNF DNF DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC 109
21st Dinghies Albacore 6780 13 DNF DNS DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC 117
505 Fleet (None)
1st 505 505 8410 1 1 3 1 1 1 6 1 2 DNC DNC DNC 17
2nd 505 505 7796 7 DNF DNS 5 2 2 2 4 5 1 1 1 23
3rd 505 505 8535 4 3 4 2 3 4 1 5 3 3 6 4 27
4th 505 505 8233 6 4 DNS 3 4 3 4 3 OCS 2 2 3 28
5th 505 505 6910 5 2 1 DNF DNS DNS 3 2 1 DNC DNC DNC 38
6th 505 505 8735 3 5 5 4 6 DNF 5 7 4 5 5 2 38
7th 505 505 8311 DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC 7 6 6 4 4 DNS 63
8th 505 505 7797 2 6 2 DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC 67
9th 505 505 5990 9 7 DNS DNC DNC DNC 8 DNS DNS 8 3 DNS 71
10th 505 505 714 8 8 DNS DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC 7 8 5 73
11th 505 505 8660 DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC 6 7 6 76
12th 505 505 7876 DNC DNC DNC DNS 5 5 DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC 78
Catamarans Fleet (PN)
1st Catamarans Tornado 287 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 10
2nd Catamarans Hobie 16 96807 4 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 1 2 2 2 17
3rd Catamarans Tornado 350 5 5 4 3 2 3 2 3 3 DNC DNC DNC 28
4th Catamarans Hobie 16 318 3 1 5 DNC DNC DNC 4 4 2 DNC DNC DNC 31
5th Catamarans Tornado 362 2 3 1 4 DNF DNS DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC 32
Race 1                                
Date: June 23 Wind strength: 8 Knots Wind dir: SW                                
Pos Fleet Class Sail No Elapsed Corrected Pts                    
Dinghies Fleet (PN)                    
1st Dinghies Albacore 6700 0:39:04 0:36:39 1                    
2nd Dinghies Albacore 6210 0:40:04 0:37:35 2                    
3rd Dinghies Albacore 7969 0:40:08 0:37:39 3                    
4th Dinghies Albacore 6857 0:41:04 0:38:31 4                    
5th Dinghies Albacore 7437 0:41:23 0:38:49 5                    
6th Dinghies Albacore 5646 0:41:55 0:39:19 6                    
7th Dinghies Albacore 4444 0:42:00 0:39:24 7                    
8th Dinghies Fireball 11136 0:39:50 0:40:29 8                    
9th Dinghies Fireball 14744 0:40:08 0:40:47 9                    
10th Dinghies Fireball 5250 0:40:36 0:41:16 10                    
11th Dinghies Fireball 12357 0:40:52 0:41:32 11                    
12th Dinghies Fireball 10298 0:41:07 0:41:47 12                    
13th Dinghies Albacore 6780 0:46:30 0:43:37 13                    
14th Dinghies Fireball 11155 0:42:57 0:43:39 14                    
505 Fleet (None)                    
1st 505 505 8410 1                    
2nd 505 505 7797 2                    
3rd 505 505 8735 3                    
4th 505 505 8535 4                    
5th 505 505 6910 5                    
6th 505 505 8223 6                    
7th 505 505 7796 7                    
8th 505 505 714 8                    
9th 505 505 5990 9                    
Catamarans Fleet (PN)                    
1st Catamarans Tornado 287 0:32:23 0:46:44 1                    
2nd Catamarans Tornado 362 0:34:00 0:49:04 2                    
3rd Catamarans Hobie 16 318 0:42:00 0:52:22 3                    
4th Catamarans Hobie 16 96807 0:42:06 0:52:30 4                    
5th Catamarans Tornado 350 0:40:35 0:58:34 5                    
Race 2                                
Date: June 23 Wind strength: 10 Knots Wind dir: SW                                
Pos Fleet Class Sail No Elapsed Corrected Pts                    
Dinghies Fleet (PN)                    
1st Dinghies Albacore 6700 0:29:25 0:27:36 1                    
2nd Dinghies Albacore 7969 0:30:17 0:28:25 2                    
3rd Dinghies Albacore 6210 0:31:06 0:29:10 3                    
4th Dinghies Albacore 6857 0:32:14 0:30:14 4                    
5th Dinghies Fireball 14744 0:30:26 0:30:56 5                    
6th Dinghies Fireball 5250 0:31:10 0:31:40 6                    
7th Dinghies Albacore 4444 0:34:46 0:32:37 7                    
8th Dinghies Fireball 12357 0:32:31 0:33:03 8                    
9th Dinghies Albacore 5646 0:35:22 0:33:11 9                    
10th Dinghies Fireball 11155 0:33:55 0:34:28 10                    
11th Dinghies Fireball 10298 0:34:20 0:34:53 11                    
12th Dinghies Albacore 7437 DNF 15                    
12th Dinghies Fireball 11136 DNF 15                    
12th Dinghies Albacore 6780 DNF 15                    
505 Fleet (None)                    
1st 505 505 8410 1                    
2nd 505 505 6910 2                    
3rd 505 505 8535 3                    
4th 505 505 8223 4                    
5th 505 505 8735 5                    
6th 505 505 7797 6                    
7th 505 505 5990 7                    
8th 505 505 714 8                    
9th 505 505 7796 DNF 10                    
Catamarans Fleet (PN)                    
1st Catamarans Hobie 16 318 0:29:56 0:37:19 1                    
2nd Catamarans Hobie 16 96807 0:30:32 0:38:04 2                    
3rd Catamarans Tornado 362 0:26:35 0:38:22 3                    
4th Catamarans Tornado 287 0:26:55 0:38:50 4                    
5th Catamarans Tornado 350 0:28:00 0:40:24 5                    
Race 3                                
Date: June 23 Wind strength: 11 Knots Wind dir: SW                                
Pos Fleet Class Sail No Elapsed Corrected Pts                    
Dinghies Fleet (PN)                    
1st Dinghies Albacore 6700 0:30:20 0:28:27 1                    
2nd Dinghies Albacore 7969 0:30:40 0:28:46 2                    
3rd Dinghies Albacore 6210 0:31:12 0:29:16 3                    
4th Dinghies Fireball 14744 0:28:53 0:29:21 4                    
5th Dinghies Albacore 6857 0:31:26 0:29:29 5                    
6th Dinghies Fireball 5250 0:29:49 0:30:18 6                    
7th Dinghies Fireball 11155 0:32:00 0:32:31 7                    
8th Dinghies Albacore 4444 DNF 15                    
8th Dinghies Albacore 5646 DNF 15                    
8th Dinghies Fireball 12357 DNF 15                    
8th Dinghies Albacore 7437 DNF 15                    
8th Dinghies Fireball 11136 DNS 15                    
8th Dinghies Fireball 10298 DNS 15                    
8th Dinghies Albacore 6780 DNS 15                    
505 Fleet (None)                    
1st 505 505 6910 1                    
2nd 505 505 7797 2                    
3rd 505 505 8410 3                    
4th 505 505 8535 4                    
5th 505 505 8735 5                    
6th 505 505 8223 DNS 10                    
6th 505 505 5990 DNS 10                    
6th 505 505 714 DNS 10                    
6th 505 505 7796 DNS 10                    
Catamarans Fleet (PN)                    
1st Catamarans Tornado 362 0:21:26 0:30:56 1                    
2nd Catamarans Tornado 287 0:22:45 0:32:50 2                    
3rd Catamarans Hobie 16 96807 0:26:42 0:33:18 3                    
4th Catamarans Tornado 350 0:25:33 0:36:52 4                    
5th Catamarans Hobie 16 318 0:33:00 0:41:09 5                    
Race 4                                
Date: June 30 Wind strength: 10 Knots Wind dir: SSW                                
Pos Fleet Class Sail No Elapsed Corrected Pts                    
Dinghies Fleet (PN)                    
1st Dinghies Albacore 7969 0:32:26 0:30:26 1                    
2nd Dinghies Albacore 6700 0:32:32 0:30:31 2                    
3rd Dinghies Albacore 7958 0:32:58 0:30:56 3                    
4th Dinghies Albacore 7968 0:34:13 0:32:06 4                    
5th Dinghies Fireball 11136 0:31:47 0:32:18 5                    
6th Dinghies Albacore 6210 0:35:19 0:33:08 6                    
7th Dinghies CL 16 1301 0:38:44 0:33:44 7                    
8th Dinghies Fireball 14678 0:33:59 0:34:32 8                    
9th Dinghies Albacore 4444 0:37:38 0:35:18 9                    
10th Dinghies Fireball 11155 0:36:16 0:36:51 10                    
505 Fleet (None)                    
1st 505 505 8410 1                    
2nd 505 505 8535 2                    
3rd 505 505 8223 3                    
4th 505 505 8735 4                    
5th 505 505 7796 5                    
6th 505 505 6910 DNF 8                    
6th 505 505 7876 DNS 8                    
Catamarans Fleet (PN)                    
1st Catamarans Tornado 287 0:21:01 0:30:20 1                    
2nd Catamarans Hobie 16 96807 0:26:16 0:32:45 2                    
3rd Catamarans Tornado 350 0:22:44 0:32:48 3                    
4th Catamarans Tornado 362 0:23:56 0:34:32 4                    
Race 5                                
Date: June 30 Wind strength: 10 Knots Wind dir: SSW                                
Pos Fleet Class Sail No Elapsed Corrected Pts                    
Dinghies Fleet (PN)                    
1st Dinghies Albacore 6700 0:34:09 0:32:02 1                    
2nd Dinghies Albacore 7969 0:34:27 0:32:19 2                    
3rd Dinghies Albacore 7958 0:34:38 0:32:29 3                    
4th Dinghies Albacore 7968 0:35:30 0:33:18 4                    
5th Dinghies Fireball 11136 0:33:40 0:34:13 5                    
6th Dinghies Albacore 6210 0:36:32 0:34:16 6                    
7th Dinghies Albacore 4444 0:36:42 0:34:26 7                    
8th Dinghies Fireball 11155 DNF 11                    
8th Dinghies CL 16 1301 DNF 11                    
8th Dinghies Fireball 14678 DNF 11                    
505 Fleet (None)                    
1st 505 505 8410 1                    
2nd 505 505 7796 2                    
3rd 505 505 8535 3                    
4th 505 505 8223 4                    
5th 505 505 7876 5                    
6th 505 505 8735 6                    
7th 505 505 6910 DNS 8                    
Catamarans Fleet (PN)                    
1st Catamarans Tornado 287 0:23:42 0:34:12 1                    
2nd Catamarans Tornado 350 0:24:36 0:35:30 2                    
3rd Catamarans Hobie 16 96807 0:30:35 0:38:08 3                    
4th Catamarans Tornado 362 DNF 5                    
Race 6                                
Date: June 30 Wind strength: 8 Knots Wind dir: SSW                                
Pos Fleet Class Sail No Elapsed Corrected Pts                    
Dinghies Fleet (PN)                    
1st Dinghies Albacore 6700 0:19:06 0:17:55 1                    
2nd Dinghies Fireball 11136 0:19:37 0:19:56 2                    
3rd Dinghies Albacore 7969 DNF 11                    
3rd Dinghies Albacore 6210 DNS 11                    
3rd Dinghies Albacore 4444 DNS 11                    
3rd Dinghies Albacore 7958 DNF 11                    
3rd Dinghies Fireball 11155 DNS 11                    
3rd Dinghies Albacore 7968 DNS 11                    
3rd Dinghies CL 16 1301 DNS 11                    
3rd Dinghies Fireball 14678 DNS 11                    
505 Fleet (None)                    
1st 505 505 8410 1                    
2nd 505 505 7796 2                    
3rd 505 505 8223 3                    
4th 505 505 8535 4                    
5th 505 505 7876 5                    
6th 505 505 8735 DNF 8                    
6th 505 505 6910 DNS 8                    
Catamarans Fleet (PN)                    
1st Catamarans Tornado 287 0:30:08 0:43:29 1                    
2nd Catamarans Hobie 16 96807 0:36:35 0:45:37 2                    
3rd Catamarans Tornado 350 0:31:40 0:45:42 3                    
4th Catamarans Tornado 362 DNS 5                    
Race 7                                
Date: July 7 Wind strength: 8 Knots Wind dir: ESE                                
Pos Fleet Class Sail No Elapsed Corrected Pts                    
Dinghies Fleet (PN)                    
1st Dinghies Albacore 6700 0:51:06 0:47:56 1                    
2nd Dinghies Albacore 7958 0:51:30 0:48:19 2                    
3rd Dinghies Albacore 6210 0:51:33 0:48:22 3                    
4th Dinghies Albacore 6857 0:51:39 0:48:27 4                    
5th Dinghies Albacore 7968 0:51:42 0:48:30 5                    
6th Dinghies Albacore 7969 0:51:49 0:48:37 6                    
7th Dinghies Albacore 4444 0:52:43 0:49:27 7                    
8th Dinghies Albacore 5646 0:52:54 0:49:37 8                    
9th Dinghies Fireball 10295 0:49:48 0:50:37 9                    
10th Dinghies Fireball 11136 0:50:20 0:51:09 10                    
11th Dinghies Fireball 12357 0:51:57 0:52:48 11                    
12th Dinghies Fireball 14678 0:52:37 0:53:28 12                    
505 Fleet (None)                    
1st 505 505 8535 1                    
2nd 505 505 7796 2                    
3rd 505 505 6910 3                    
4th 505 505 8233 4                    
5th 505 505 8735 5                    
6th 505 505 8410 6                    
7th 505 505 8311 7                    
8th 505 505 5990 8                    
Catamarans Fleet (PN)                    
1st Catamarans Tornado 287 0:13:43 0:19:48 1                    
2nd Catamarans Tornado 350 0:13:46 0:19:52 2                    
3rd Catamarans Hobie 16 96807 0:17:01 0:21:13 3                    
4th Catamarans Hobie 16 318 0:17:53 0:22:18 4                    
Race 8                                
Date: July 7 Wind strength: 6 Knots Wind dir: ESE                                
Pos Fleet Class Sail No Elapsed Corrected Pts                    
Dinghies Fleet (PN)                    
1st Dinghies Fireball 10295 0:30:43 0:31:13 1                    
2nd Dinghies Albacore 6700 0:34:20 0:32:12 2                    
3rd Dinghies Albacore 7968 0:36:24 0:34:09 3                    
4th Dinghies Fireball 11136 0:34:22 0:34:56 4                    
5th Dinghies Fireball 14678 0:37:32 0:38:09 5                    
6th Dinghies Fireball 12357 0:38:26 0:39:03 6                    
7th Dinghies Albacore 6210 DNF 13                    
7th Dinghies Albacore 7969 DNF 13                    
7th Dinghies Albacore 6857 OCS 13                    
7th Dinghies Albacore 7958 DNF 13                    
7th Dinghies Albacore 4444 DNF 13                    
7th Dinghies Albacore 5646 DNF 13                    
505 Fleet (None)                    
1st 505 505 8410 1                    
2nd 505 505 6910 2                    
3rd 505 505 8233 3                    
4th 505 505 7796 4                    
5th 505 505 8535 5                    
6th 505 505 8311 6                    
7th 505 505 8735 7                    
8th 505 505 5990 DNS 9                    
Catamarans Fleet (PN)                    
1st Catamarans Hobie 16 96807 0:26:20 0:32:50 1                    
2nd Catamarans Tornado 287 0:23:15 0:33:33 2                    
3rd Catamarans Tornado 350 0:24:02 0:34:41 3                    
4th Catamarans Hobie 16 318 0:27:55 0:34:49 4                    
Race 9                                
Date: July 7 Wind strength: 6 Knots Wind dir: ESE                                
Pos Fleet Class Sail No Elapsed Corrected Pts                    
Dinghies Fleet (PN)                    
1st Dinghies Albacore 6700 0:17:59 0:16:52 1                    
2nd Dinghies Albacore 6210 0:18:51 0:17:41 2                    
3rd Dinghies Albacore 7968 0:18:53 0:17:43 3                    
4th Dinghies Albacore 6857 0:19:00 0:17:49 4                    
5th Dinghies Albacore 7958 0:19:29 0:18:17 5                    
6th Dinghies Fireball 11136 0:18:21 0:18:39 6                    
7th Dinghies Fireball 10295 0:18:27 0:18:45 7                    
8th Dinghies Albacore 4444 0:20:21 0:19:05 8                    
9th Dinghies Albacore 7969 DNF 13                    
9th Dinghies Albacore 5646 DNF 13                    
9th Dinghies Fireball 12357 DNF 13                    
9th Dinghies Fireball 14678 DNF 13                    
505 Fleet (None)                    
1st 505 505 6910 1                    
2nd 505 505 8410 2                    
3rd 505 505 8535 3                    
4th 505 505 8735 4                    
5th 505 505 7796 5                    
6th 505 505 8311 6                    
7th 505 505 8233 OCS 9                    
7th 505 505 5990 DNS 9                    
Catamarans Fleet (PN)                    
1st Catamarans Hobie 16 96807 0:56:59 1:11:03 1                    
2nd Catamarans Hobie 16 318 0:57:45 1:12:00 2                    
3rd Catamarans Tornado 350 0:52:30 1:15:45 3                    
4th Catamarans Tornado 287 0:54:02 1:17:58 4                    
Race 10                                
Date: July 21                                
Pos Fleet Class Sail No Elapsed Corrected Pts                    
Dinghies Fleet (PN)                    
1st Dinghies Albacore 7969 0:57:44 0:54:10 1                    
2nd Dinghies Albacore 7968 1:00:00 0:56:17 2                    
3rd Dinghies Albacore 6210 1:00:21 0:56:37 3                    
4th Dinghies CL 16 1301 1:05:32 0:57:05 4                    
5th Dinghies Fireball 10295 0:56:19 0:57:14 5                    
6th Dinghies Albacore 4444 1:01:04 0:57:17 6                    
7th Dinghies Fireball 11136 0:56:32 0:57:27 7                    
8th Dinghies Fireball 14678 0:58:56 0:59:53 8                    
9th Dinghies Fireball 12357 1:00:11 1:01:10 9                    
10th Dinghies Fireball 10298 1:00:34 1:01:33 10                    
505 Fleet (None)                    
1st 505 505 7796 1                    
2nd 505 505 8233 2                    
3rd 505 505 8535 3                    
4th 505 505 8311 4                    
5th 505 505 8735 5                    
6th 505 505 8660 6                    
7th 505 505 714 7                    
8th 505 505 5990 8                    
Catamarans Fleet (PN)                    
1st Catamarans Tornado 287 0:24:30 0:35:21 1                    
2nd Catamarans Hobie 16 96807 0:32:47 0:40:53 2                    
Race 11                                
Date: July 21                                
Pos Fleet Class Sail No Elapsed Corrected Pts                    
Dinghies Fleet (PN)                    
1st Dinghies Fireball 11136 0:34:39 0:35:13 1                    
2nd Dinghies Albacore 7969 0:37:54 0:35:33 2                    
3rd Dinghies Albacore 6210 0:38:11 0:35:49 3                    
4th Dinghies Albacore 7959 0:38:19 0:35:57 4                    
5th Dinghies Albacore 7968 0:38:21 0:35:59 5                    
6th Dinghies CL 16 1301 0:42:38 0:37:08 6                    
7th Dinghies Albacore 4444 0:39:39 0:37:12 7                    
8th Dinghies Fireball 13890 0:37:22 0:37:58 8                    
9th Dinghies Fireball 10295 0:37:24 0:38:00 9                    
10th Dinghies Fireball 14678 0:38:20 0:38:57 10                    
11th Dinghies Fireball 12357 0:38:35 0:39:13 11                    
12th Dinghies Fireball 10298 0:41:21 0:42:01 12                    
505 Fleet (None)                    
1st 505 505 7796 1                    
2nd 505 505 8233 2                    
3rd 505 505 5990 3                    
4th 505 505 8311 4                    
5th 505 505 8735 5                    
6th 505 505 8535 6                    
7th 505 505 8660 7                    
8th 505 505 714 8                    
Catamarans Fleet (PN)                    
1st Catamarans Tornado 287 0:22:27 0:32:24 1                    
2nd Catamarans Hobie 16 96807 0:28:22 0:35:22 2                    
Race 12                                
Date: July 21                                
Pos Fleet Class Sail No Elapsed Corrected Pts                    
Dinghies Fleet (PN)                    
1st Dinghies Albacore 6210 0:27:21 0:25:39 1                    
2nd Dinghies Fireball 11136 0:25:16 0:25:41 2                    
3rd Dinghies Albacore 7969 0:27:45 0:26:02 3                    
4th Dinghies Fireball 10295 0:26:40 0:27:06 4                    
5th Dinghies Albacore 7959 0:29:01 0:27:13 5                    
6th Dinghies Fireball 14678 0:27:52 0:28:19 6                    
7th Dinghies Albacore 4444 0:31:12 0:29:16 7                    
8th Dinghies Fireball 13890 0:29:30 0:29:59 8                    
9th Dinghies Fireball 10298 0:30:30 0:31:00 9                    
10th Dinghies Albacore 7968 DNS 13                    
10th Dinghies Fireball 12357 DNS 13                    
10th Dinghies CL 16 1301 DNS 13                    
505 Fleet (None)                    
1st 505 505 7796 1                    
2nd 505 505 8735 2                    
3rd 505 505 8233 3                    
4th 505 505 8535 4                    
5th 505 505 714 5                    
6th 505 505 8660 6                    
7th 505 505 8311 DNS 9                    
7th 505 505 5990 DNS 9                    
Catamarans Fleet (PN)                    
1st Catamarans Tornado 287 0:20:02 0:28:54 1                    
2nd Catamarans Hobie 16 96807 0:26:55 0:33:34 2                    

Racing scores produced with
Sail Wave


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