PHRF Handicap Comparison

This application helps you figure out how close behind, or far ahead, of your competition you need to be to beat them on corrected time. Read the Usage Notes.


Usage Notes

Skippers will generally want to select their own boat as the reference boat. The Delta/Hour column in the comparison table is the time that a boat must finish ahead of (-), or behind (+), the reference boat in order to tie the reference boat on corrected time, if the reference boat's elapsed time is 1 hour.

Some other comparisons of handicaps, like those previously provided by CVGR (no longer available), assume that all boats take one hour to complete the race, and then present what would be the difference in the corrected times as the "difference per hour". That is another way of comparing handicaps, however, we feel that method is of less value to racers. If two boats cross the finish line at the same time, it's pretty clear that the one with the higher handicap wins on corrected time. What a PHRF sailor wants to know is if he/she crosses the finish line with a certain elapsed time, does he/she beat the boat that finished X minutes ahead, or Y minutes behind? This Handicap Comparison application will help the sailor determine that.

For more, see Understanding PHRF Results.

On small screens, the Handicap Comparison results are best viewed in landscape mode.

Reply from the NSC Server

Place Holder

The comparisons will be displayed in this table...
Boat Name   Boat Type   Sail #     Club     PHRF     Delta/Hour  
Pager: first previous next last

Tip: Sort multiple columns simultaneously by holding down the Shift key and clicking one or more other column headers.

A Rule of Thumb

The math behind the handicap calculations is more complicated than one would expect, but there is an easy rule of thumb that sailors can use to do a mental calculation that will achieve a result that is 98-99% accurate. Take the difference between handicaps, multiply it by 6, and that yields a close approximation to the computed Delta/Hour.

Boats and handicaps updated on 2024-07-09. Application updated on 2022-02-27.

Concept by Hugh Morrin. Implementation by Daniel Servranckx.
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