Welcome to the integrated NSC Room Bookings calendar that shows room reservations for both the Harbourview Hall (HVH, formerly known as the East Room), and the Sailing Room (SR). To reserve either of these rooms or confirm availability, call (613-829-6462) or e-mail the Hospitality Manager. Note this calendar does not show tentative bookings and may not show recent bookings. For information on room rentals, see the Harbourview Hall website.

Errors? Omissions? Please email the NSC Webmaster.

Usage Notes
  • Legend: HVH: Harbour View Hall; SR: Sailing Room.
  • Events with a solid background are all day events; events with colored text and starting with a time are part day events;
  • Click on an event to see details like when, where and a description (when available). Some descriptions have a link: click it to open;
  • Click on Week to have a more detailed view of the current or selected week;
  • Click on the Agenda to view all the calendar entries.
  • Click on Print to choose the print format (font size, color, orientation) and send the calendar to your printer.
  • Experiment! You will discover new features not covered by this note.

Updated on 2021-11-12.

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Update log
2009, HM: Calendar created.
2014-05-00, HM: Last update before creating this log.
2015-01-29, HM: Added this update log and caution that this page must be edited as “the Boss”. Set height to 500px.
Changed intro wording to add note about calendar not showing tentative and recent bookings.
2015-01-30, HM: Changed the contact info from “NSC Office” to Julie’s e-mail and phone number.
2021-11-11, HM: Updated link from web2/facilities to web2/harbourview-hall. Added note below. Changed publish date which was 2014-04-19.

NOTE: Update the publish date and time when updating page.

Page maintained by Webmaster