This page was developed at the same time as the virtual Trophy Gallery, as an understanding of previous fleet structures was required to determine how, and for what, trophies were awarded in the past. The information contained herein is believed to be accurate, though it is still incomplete.

Handicap Racing


Due to COVID-19 restrictions, boats were divided into smaller fleets that were partly based on handicap, and partly based on keeping similar boats in the same fleet. Handicap racing consisted of 7 fleets, and boats were assigned to the same fleets for both Tuesday and Thursday nights. On Tuesday nights it was “mixed” racing, meaning boats could choose to compete for the series using either their Flying Sail (i.e. spinnaker) handicap, or their Non-Flying Sail (i.e. white sail, aka “JAM”) handicap. On Thursday evenings, all racing was with Non-Flying Sails. NSC hosted racing on the western course for fleets 1-4, while BYC hosted racing on the eastern course for fleets 5-7. See the results for Tuesday Alpha and Bravo Courses, and Thursday Alpha and Bravo Courses. Note that prior to the Fall Series of racing, per above, various Time Trials and pursuit races were held.


Flying Sail Racing (aka “PHRF”): Split into 3 Divisions, PHRF 1, 2 & 3, based on handicap.
Non-Flying Sail Racing (aka “JAM”): Split into 3 Divisions, JAM A, B & C, based on handicap.


Flying Sail Racing (aka “PHRF”): Split into 2 Divisions, PHRF A (up to 204) & B (207 and above).
Non-Flying Sail Racing (aka “JAM”): Split into 3 Divisions, JAM DIV III, IV, & V, based on handicap.
See the 2003 Results.
Flying Sail Racing (aka “PHRF”) took place on Tuesday evenings (TBC: on a single BYC-hosted course); Non-Flying Sail Racing (aka “JAM”) took place on Thursday evenings (TBC: on an NSC-hosted course).


The results referred to two PHRF fleets and two JAM fleets, though these were sometimes referred to as PHRF Div 1 & 2, PHRF A & B, and similarly JAM 1 & 2, or JAM A & B, depending on which series one looked at.


The Non-Flying Sail fleet (aka JAM) was then known as “Division 3” and all JAM boats raced together. Division 1 was for Flying Sail (“PHRF”) boats with handicaps up to 190 (current 2019 PHRF Div 1 + faster half of Div 2). Division 2 was for Flying Sail (“PHRF”) boats with handicaps of 191 and higher (slower half of 2019 Div 2 boats, and all of 2019 Div 3 boats). Divisions 1 & 3 raced on the western course hosted by BYC; Division 2 raced on the eastern course, hosted by NSC.

All handicap racing took place on Thursday evenings, whereas one-design keelboat racing was on Tuesday evenings. Refer to the 1999 Sailing Instructions and the 1999 Race Results.


This was the first year of Interclub keelboat racing.

One-Design Keelboat Racing


No one-design keelboat racing was held in 2020 due to COVID-19 considerations.



Classes: Mirage 24, Shark, Tanzer 22 and C&C 27.
One-design keelboat racing was on Thursday evenings.



Classes: Mirage 24, Shark, Tanzer 22 and C&C 27; C&C 27s used jibs and mainsails only.
One-design keelboat racing was on Tuesday evenings. Refer to the 1999 Sailing Instructions the 1999 Race Results.

Page updated: 2020-11-17.

Update log
2020-11-17: HM: Page created.