Check out NSC’s virtual Trophy Gallery & Event Winners database!

This page is the WordPress “parent” page of other trophy related pages, but users are not expected to land here, as there should be no links pointing to this URL. If you did somehow land here, please send an email to Webmaster and advise us how you got here. In the meantime, click on the above link.

Page updated 2021-01-31.

Update log
06 Jan: HM: Updated wording (to reflect that the spreadsheet is being maintained. Created direct link to Excel file. Added this update log.
13 Jan: HM: Noted “spreadsheet may have been updated more recently”.
22 Jan: HM: Updated with latest spreadsheet.
06 Aug: HM: Changed “And” to “&” in title.
31 Jan: HM: Removed reference to Trophy spreadsheet and replaced with link to new T&W page (Trophy Gallery).
Trophy spreadsheet is still in Box at Excel file.