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Britannia Yacht Club runs the racing for Thursday night one-design. BYC is responsible for scoring these races, and results are posted on BYC’s Race Results page. Results on this page are copied from BYC’s web site periodically, to provide a back-up to BYC’s server, and to provide a complete record of NSC racing. Note that in the event of a discrepancy between the results posted on the NSC and BYC web sites, the BYC results are likely more current, and thus likely more accurate.




Results posted by Hugh Morrin.

Page updated: 2016-11-30.

Update log
Sometime between Aug 24th and Nov 28th, the update log was inexplicably wiped out. The 4 previous edits were:
H. Morrin, 3 months ago (August 24, 2016 @ 08:08:09)
H. Morrin, 5 months ago (July 13, 2016 @ 12:24:47)
H. Morrin, 6 months ago (May 23, 2016 @ 22:17:27)
Chief Scorer, 7 months ago (April 26, 2016 @ 18:19:37)
30 Nov: HM: Recreated update log. Updated links to results files (.htm) on NSC server.
Page maintained by Chief Scorer