Streamlining Race Time Submissions: Submit Your Race Data and Photos with Ease

Per the Sailing Instructions, for up-river races where the Race Committee is not stationed at the finish line, boats are required to record their own finish time (actual time, hh:mm:ss) as they cross the line. This rule also applies to Time Trials, where skippers must record their start times, and it is recommended to record mark roundings as a good practice. To facilitate this process, skippers are strongly encouraged to take photos as described below.

To submit their race times and photos, boats have two options: they can either use the provided web form or email their times and photos directly to the Long Distance Scorers (by clicking on this link, an email will be sent to and The submission must be completed no later than midnight on the day following the race in question. Skippers seeking points for DNF (Did Not Finish) should also use this format to notify the scorer. When submitting their information, skippers or their representatives should include the following details:

  • Event Name:
  • Skipper Name:
  • Boat Name:
  • Boat Type:
  • Sail Number:
  • Specify PHRF (i.e., rated with a spinnaker) or JAM:
  • Start and Finish Times (note any assumptions about the time):
  • Photos of start, finish, and preferably mark roundings:

While not mandatory, boats are kindly requested to provide the following additional information:

  • Boat Immediately Ahead:
  • Boat Name:
  • Boat Type:
  • Sail Number:
  • Approximate time ahead:
  • Boat Immediately Behind:
  • Boat Name:
  • Boat Type:
  • Sail Number:
  • Approximate time behind:

Any other relevant information or comments:

If using the web form, it will prompt you to enter the same information as outlined above. If you choose to email your submission, we recommend copying and pasting the above list into your email message for easy reference.

We strive to streamline the process of submitting race data and photos, ensuring a smoother experience for all participants. If you have any questions or require further assistance, please feel free to contact us.

Page maintained by Chief Scorer