It has always been an expectation that those who use NSC’s facilities, services, and programs on a regular basis, for whatever reason, be members of the club. This is particularly true and has long been a tradition for those who participate regularly in the members race program. Our extensive sailing and race program is a core club activity central to the success of our club, but it also requires significant club resources which are supported by general membership revenue.

So if you are a regular racing crew, please ensure that your membership is up to date. Similarly, if you’re an owner/skipper, please ensure that your regular crew are also club members.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that you can’t invite non-members to come out racing, or for a sail. In fact, there’s perhaps no better way to show off the club and its facilities to prospective members than to invite them out on a race night, and show them what a vibrant club we have! We encourage prospective members to sign up at the Crew Bank. But once someone has been out a few times and has seen what the club has to offer, or joins a regular race team, they should be encouraged to become a member and contribute financially to the health of the club.

A crewing/social membership offers full access to the club and its facilities, the sailing/race program, social events, and discounted pricing on galley food; the only things it doesn’t give one is voting rights and the privilege of mooring a boat at NSC. There are no initiation fees, no requirements to be nominated, and the cost is about a third of what it costs to join most gyms in the city — it really is one of the best deals in town!

New Members’ Information and the current Fee Schedule are available on-line, though to complete the membership application process you’ll need to stop by the office during business hours.

To ensure that everyone is aware of the above expectations, fleet representatives may contact the skippers and crew in their fleets. To learn more about NSC’s sailing and race program, or for any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Dominic Goodwill
Fleet Captain

Page updated: 2018-08-02.

Update log
27 Jun: HM: Page created.
29 Jun: RE: Minor updates to wording.
04 Jul: HM: Added missing word “has” to second sentence.
02 Aug: HM: Changed FC’s name to Dominic Goodwill.
Page maintained by Fleet Captain