Follow these steps to register for racing using NSC’s online race registration portal, if you are an NSC member:

  1. Visit the NSC online portal.
  2. Login with your member number (include the hyphen) and password. If this is first time that you have logged in, you will be prompted to create a new password. After creating your new password, close your browser and start again by clicking on the above link. This step is not required if you have registered in previous years, or if you have made crane bookings, using the online portal.
  3. Select yourself from the Member drop-down list.
  4. Click Charge Account – don’t worry, it doesn’t charge you.
  5. Complete the race registration form.
  6. Click Finish. You should should receive an email confirmation with the information you have provided. If you do not, your registration has not been successful.

For more information, send an email to Race-Registration at

Page updated: 2021-06-01.

Update log
2019-03-09, HM: Page created, based on draft “post” created by Dominic.
2021-06-01, HM: Added link to Northstar for 2021.

NOTE: Update the publish date and time when updating page.

Page maintained by Fleet Captain