You may be aware of “Rowan’s Law”, an Ontario law that went into force in 2019 that aims to increase awareness of the seriousness of concussion injuries. You may not be aware that this law applies to all members and guests of the Nepean Sailing Club involved in competitive racing. NSC is committed to the following actions in regards to the risk of concussion due to participation in competitive sailing activities:

  1. Increasing awareness regarding what concussions are and the potential for serious complications.
  2. Ensuring that boat owners are aware of their specific responsibilities with respect to the health and safety of their crew and themselves.
  3. Providing protocols that support NSC participants, members, volunteers and staff in ensuring quick recognition and removal of any individual with a suspected concussion from NSC activities.
  4. Ensuring that following a suspected concussion there are clear steps for both the individual and NSC to follow before a return to sport occurs to ensure the focus is on the individual’s long-term health.

All NSC members are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the Province of Ontario Concussion Awarenesss Resources and to keep a copy of Concussion Recognition Tool 5 on their boat. Code-of-conduct protocols have been drafted for Boat Owners and for Racing Crew, to support NSC’s compliance with the legislation. Owners of boats registering to race will be required to review these documents and indicate their acceptance when they register for racing.

Note that this policy, and associated procedures, complement NSC’s comprehensive emergency procedures.

Page updated: 2021-03-27.

Update log
16 Mar: MT: Page created.
24 Mar: HM: Added this update log. Shortened permalink. Switched to Direct links. Other minor editorial changes.
Page maintained by Fleet Captain