The 2015 Sailing Instructions & Race Calendar are available as a pdf, or for viewing within There are no major changes to the keelboat racing, though there are major changes to the Wednesday night dinghy racing.

Notices to Competitors / Sailing Instruction Amendments:

  • None.

Main changes made to the SIs for 2015:

  • Major changes to Wednesday night dinghy racing – see Part D.
  • A new Dinghy Frostbite Series will run on Saturday, September 26. See Part F.
  • A little more than usual shuffling of the calendar, partly due to Labour Day being 6 days later than in 2014.

The following major changes made in 2014 will continue:

  • The Ice Breaker Series, as introduced in 2014, will run again, beginning on May 5th, until the BYC gates come out.
  • PHRF, JAM and One-Design Courses will alternate between Alpha & Bravo courses. All fleets will sail on the same courses they have for past 10+ years for the Spring and most of the Fall Series, but will swap courses for the Summer Series and the first two races of the Fall Series.

In addition to reading the Sailing Instructions, every racer should obtain and read the International Sailing Federation (ISAF) Racing Rules of Sailing for the current year, and the Sail Canada Prescriptions. These “Rule Books” are available for purchase at the club office.

If you have changes you would like to propose for next year, feel free to discuss these with, or e-mail them to, Hugh Morrin and/or Ross Ernst.

Page updated: 2015-04-25.

Update log
28 Feb: HM: Update Log created. Added last para per meeting with Ross.
20-21 Apr: HM: General update.
25 Apr: HM: Posted 2015 SIs. Changed title from “Sailing Instructions” to “Sailing Instructions & Race Calendar”.
24 Jan: HM: Created this “2015” file from the generic SI page.
10 Mar: HM: Cleaned up intro.