The 2014 Sailing Instructions are now available — download the pdf file from Box.

Notices to Competitors / Sailing Instruction Amendments:

Main changes made to the SIs for 2014:

  • NSC launches the Ice Breaker Series — racing until the BYC gates come out. See this post and Part G of the SIs.
  • PHRF, JAM and One-Design Courses will alternate between Alpha & Bravo courses. All fleets will sail on the same courses they have for past 10+ years for the Spring and Fall Series, but will swap courses for the Summer Series. See Parts C & E of the SIs.
  • At the Skiff Fleet’s request, there will be no scheduled Skiff racing on Monday evenings.
  • Sailing Instruction amendments and other Notices to Competitors will be posted on the NSC web site (i.e. this page, with a post on the home page).
  • The SIs are being published in only pdf format, using a larger font size. The 12 point font facilitates booklet printing for those with access to a duplex printer, makes the SIs easier to read on a smart phone or other PDA, and, for those like the author, makes it possible to read them without reading glasses.

Page updated: 2015-04-29.