Fair Winds and Smooth Sailing: Enhancing Your Racing Experience
The Race Documents contain essential information to ensure a seamless and enjoyable racing experience. From sailing instructions to scoring inquiries and fleet management, you’ll find everything you need right here.
Sailing Instructions, Rules, and Resources
Ready for more details? The Sailing Instructions contain details on the race series schedules, weekend and sailing events, starting procedures, course descriptions, and rules.
Scoring Inquiries & Protests
Should you ever need to correct your scoring, take a post-race penalty, or attend a protest hearing, here’s what you need to know.
Fleet Program Management
Information for Fleet members, volunteers, and event organizers on the running of the program.
Don’t leave race document preparation to the last minute! By taking care of these important administrative tasks early, you’ll ensure a smoother and more enjoyable racing experience. Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact our team.
Remember, proper planning leads to successful races!