The following describes each committee’s role in general terms. If you are interested about a particular committee, send and email to the committee director by clicking on the director’s position in left hand column, which will open an email compose window.

Adaptive Sail Under the Youth/ Sail training Director, The Adapative Sail Committee manages the Adaptive Sail sailing assets.
Commodore The Commodore presides over meetings of the Board and is charged with overall management and supervision of the Club.
Vice-Commodore  The Human Resources Committeee assists the commodore with staffing and personnel management. The House and Grounds Committee oversees the appearance and workings of all the Club areas. These areas include the clubhouse interior and exterior, landscaping, maintenance, security and lighting. The Operations Committee and Bar Committee are responsible for the office, bar and kitchen operations, inventory control, service contracts and licenses, artwork and decor, and the senior squadron. The Information Technology Committee recommends improvements to hardware, software, policies and practices of the club.
Rear-Commodore  The Harbour Committee maintains the harbour of wet and dry sail moorings. This includes mooring allocations, installation of docs and moorings, and the coordination of the annual launch and haul-out. The Safety Committee deals with safety items related to any harbour or out-of-harbour issues. It marks major submerged hazards to sailing in the
immediate vicinity of the Club. As well, it is responsible for maintenance of safety equipment of all Club vessels and safety equipment positioned in and about the harbour.  
Fleet  The Fleet Committee acts under the direction of the Fleet Captain to:
• Implement and promote racing and cruising boat activities for NSC members.
• Develop and maintain the race management capability of NSC.
• Develop and maintain the racing skills of NSC members.
• Coordinate local sailing or fleet activities in partnership with other clubs.
• Advise the Fleet Captain on trends and opportunities for sailing or fleet activities.  
Membership  The Membership Committee manages the membership database, invoicing for Membership and Mooring fees, collection of payments, yard audits and
data entry. It is responsible for administrating the Burgee program for long-standing members and is also responsible for the Members’ Handbook, New Members information packages and Volunteer Programs.  
Past Commodore  The Past Commodore Committee is the Nominating Committee for the election of the Board of Directors. Any NSC past commodore automatically qualified for this committee.  
Public Relations  The PR Committee assists the Director with both external and internal formal communications of the Club and the maintenance of the Club history. It coordinates the marketing of the Club to prospective members, as well as the Club’s facilities to external individuals and organizations. It also manages the acquisition and sale of Club branded merchandise. The Web Team is made up of volunteers and manages all aspects of the NSC website. Anyone is welcome to apply to join the Web Team. To be selected as an active member, you should be a NSC member in good standing, and either have a working knowledge of HTML5 and CSS3 coding standards, or be willing to learn. Communicate directly with the Webmaster for more info.  
TreasurerThe Financial Management Committee (FMC) advises the Treasurer
on financial management of the club i.e. Keeping track on money and assets. FMC positions involve reviewing and analyzing internal financial reports and records, assisting with budget preparation, managing the annual audit, upgrading financial systems, presenting annual financial statements to annual meetings, and reviewing and updating financial policies. FMC members typically have a blend of experience and interests, including a willingness to meet with other members once a month to talk about Club’s finances. To join the FMC, and increase the “fun” factor to Club financing, please review information on the key financial management activities on the “Detailed Positions Description” page, find out when the next meeting takes place by going to the NSC Calendar, then show up! If you’d like to introduce yourself before-hand, send an email to the Treasurer.  
Board Secretary  The Board Secretary Committee assists the Director with recording of all agendas and minutes for Board and Membership meetings, and initiates correspondence on the Board’s behalf. It administers the reciprocal rights program and Burgee exchange with other sailing clubs.  
Sail Training  The Youth / Sail Training Committee is responsible for the Club’s sailing school and youth racing program, coordinating activities with professional instructors. It assists the Director with other programs such as the NSC Race Team and the Ottawa River Youth Sail Training Regatta (OYSTR).  
Social  The Social Committee is responsible for designing and conducting an active social program in accordance with the wishes of the membership. It arranges and facilitates the Club’s major social events. Specific occasions including Sailpast Dinner, Children’s Christmas Party, New Years Eve Party and Hip of Beef Dinner. The Committee also assists other Directors and committees by providing or arranging for refreshments at events such as major work parties and regattas.  
2015-01-27: Date page was presumably converted to WordPress. Original page dates at least back to 2002, based on Wayback


2021-05-07, DS: Edited the Fleet Committee text. Removed the word “full” from “full member” in the Web Team description… as DS is not a “Full” but a “Crewing” member.

2022-06-08, HM: Changed publish date – was 2015. Changed “Sail Past” to “Sailpast”, for consistency with other pages. Removed some unnecessary html code.

2022-06-13, HM: Changed ownership of page to NSC.

Page maintained by NSC