Category Archives: News

Guidance For New Sailors

We welcome those competing in their first ever regatta. To help you understand the event better:
Saturday boats typically rig at 0900, attend the competitors meeting at 0930, leave the dock 1020.
Sunday boats typically rig at 0845, leave the dock 0920.
These times are approximate – each boat is individually responsible for getting to the race course on time.
Check in at the signal boat at the race course. Inform one of the official boats on the water if you leave the race course early.
Bring your own lunch, fluids and sunscreen. We stay on the water all day.
On Sunday afternoon, gather in the clubhouse for the awards.
There are no organized meals. The Galley is open as usual.
Late Sunday afternoon, there is an unrelated party happening in the Sail Training Pavilion – this is not part of the regatta.

Gate Access Cards

Temporary gate access cards can be picked up from the regatta desk, not the club office. Hours for the regatta desk are 17:00 – 19:00 Friday September 09 at the clubhouse upstairs, 08:00 – 09:30 Saturday September 10 in the dinghy yard. Cash-only deposit of $10 requested for the card. Boats arriving early should ask a friendly-looking club member to let them into the yard, then return to the regatta desk during its opening times.

FANFARE 2022 Final Fleets

The fleets that registered enough boats to race FANFARE 2022 are: 505, Fireball, Albacore, 420. Numbers are strong with 35 boats in total. 505’s are racing for the Canadian Championship. Additional boats in these 4 fleets can still register until 1800 Friday 9 September.

FANFARE 2022 Announcement – September 10-11

The FAntastic Nepean FAll REgatta is our weekend of round-the-buoys racing in great September weather. The wind comes up and the water is still warm. Planned fleets for 2022 are: Open catamaran, 505, Albacore, Fireball, Martin 16, 2.4mR. Stay tuned for the updated FANFARE page and Notice of Race.