Welcome to Social Day-Cruising on Lac Deschênes!

These fun events bring together boat owners, “skippers,” of all experience levels and “crew” — folks who are either exploring the sailing pastime or have years of experience and knowledge to share but find themselves without a sloop at this time. Social Day-Cruising is an excellent way to share sailing adventures with other Nepean Sailing Club members and perhaps make new friends and sailing buddies. Many great friendships among our members began while sharing a boat and a sea adventure with new friends on a Social Day-Cruising. Expand your circle of sailing friends by signing up as either a skipper, crew or independent sailor, if that’s what you prefer.

Here’s what to do, crew and skippers

Choose your dates. Register ahead of time by dropping an email to Tim Moses or Sylvie Seufert. Then you will be assigned to a group.


The time is 1:00 p.m. on all dates! (These are the 2023 dates – watch for the 2024 update.)

  • Friday, June 9
  • Friday, June 16
  • Saturday, June 24
  • Friday, June 30
  • Friday, July 7
  • Friday, July 14
  • Saturday, July 22
  • Friday, July 28
  • Friday, August  4
  • Saturday, August 12
  • Friday, August 18
  • Friday, August 25
  • Saturday, September  2
  • Friday, September  8
  • Friday, September  15
  • Friday, September  22

Boat and crew matching

Crew assignments to boats and skippers are found on this downloadable document (this is the 2023 document – watch for 2024 update). These assignments change dynamically with the availability of boats and crew. Tip: bookmark the link and check it frequently.


In the unlikely event that the forecast conditions are unsafe e.g. lightning or strong wind gusts, then the event will be cancelled. We will attempt to contact you beforehand.  Otherwise, it is our intention for the event to go ahead, even if the winds are very light.

Where to meet

On the day of the Cruise meet at the blue tent on the club’s west lawn 10 minutes before 1 pmBonus: If you arrive earlier, you’ll get to meet your fellow sailors!

What to bring

  1. Water, and perhaps a snack. On Saturdays, we often share our snacks while picnicking on the water or on an island!
  2. A hat. Wearing sunscreen is suggested too.
  3. A Personal Flotation Device (PFD) if you have one, or we can provide one
  4. Non-slip footwear: SVP ensures the soles are not ones that will leave marks on the deck (white is good). Hint: Drag the edge of the sole across a white piece of paper.)
  5. Layers of clothing, if needed. Consult the weather forecast as weather can shift quickly. One minute it’s sunny, the next may be showers—this is part of the fun!  You can stow extra clothing below the deck.

“Après Sailing”

Cruises typically last three – four hours.  Many crew, skippers, their spouses and friends meet up on the club deck afterwards for storytelling of our adventures!

Saturday cruises

Include anchoring halfway during the cruise, usually at Aylmer Island.  On these occasions, bring a snack for sharing and something for yourself to drink.  And it’s a great opportunity to swim especially if it’s hot!

Cancelling your registration?

If you are unable to attend, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can organize the proper number of boats and expected crew. In the event of over-subscription, members are given priority over non-members.   Within each category, priority is given to those who have sailed with us the fewest number of times in the season.  In our experience, it is seldom necessary to turn crew away! Questions? Feel free to email Tim Moses or Sylvie Seufert. See you on the water!

Check out the fun from previous years:
Social Day Cruising 2022 report.

Page maintained by Public Relations