IMPORTANT: To avoid fees on the damage deposit, sailors may pay their deposit in person at the NSC office during normal business hours, however they will need to return in person in order to get the deposit refunded.

Click here to register for the 2022 NSC Invitational Club Championship Regatta.

For questions about registration, contact the regatta co-chairs.

At the Eventbrite link, you can:

  • Register a sailor.
  • Modify the details of your sailor registration (e.g. change sailor information).

Your order is NOT valid until you have paid.


  • Preferred: Pay online at Eventbrite using PayPal (accepts credit cards or your PayPal account).
  • Alternative: If you cannot get the online payment to work, then select payment type “Invoice” and phone the NSC office 613 829 6462 Monday to Friday 9am-5pm to pay by credit card. (It is your responsibility to call the office – they won’t call you.)


  • All competitors are required to agree to a waiver of liability as a condition of entry. These waivers should be read and understood in advance of registration and payment.
  • The adult waiver is to be signed by skippers and all crew and pre-submitted by email.
  • Competitors under the age of 18 must have a minor waiver, which must be signed by their parent or guardian and pre-submitted by email.
  • Signed waivers must be received by 1800 Friday 10 September 2021. Submit your waiver by email to the regatta co-chairs

To cancel your order, contact the regatta co-chairs. We will refund according to the refund policy in the notice of race. We are not handling cancellations through Eventbrite.