This page contains all the TechTalk and other Technical articles since inception in Feb 1999.

Note: The article contents were published as received, with no content editing. The opinions expressed in these articles are that of the respective authors.

Articles by George de Witte

Release Date Title or Content Description
Dec 07 Winter Battery Storage
tbd Turnbuckles and Cold Welding
Apr 06 Going South?
Aug 05 GPS and the Cruising Sailor
Jun 05 VHF Protocol Tutorial
Mar 05 Underwater Maintenance
Jan 05 DC/AC Inverter and the Cruising Sailboat
Sep 04 A Simple Ammeter
Aug 04 The Ancient Art of Kedging
May 03 Tips on Yanmar Diesel Engine Maintenance

Articles by Tom Winlow and Marcel Laroche

Release Date Title or Content Description
May 03 Rejuvenating Teak
Apr 03 Repairing Cockpit Seat Hatches (part 2)
Mar 03 Repairing Cockpit Seat Hatches
Apr 02 Rebedding Deck Fittings
Mar 02 Deck Repairs – Delamination
May 01 Basic Electricity – Generators and Alternators
Apr 01 Basic Electriciry – Batteries
Mar 01 Basic Electricity
May 00 Marine Electrical Systems, part 2: Troubleshooting lights and Other Stuff
Apr 00 Marine Electrical Systems, part 1: Batteries
Feb 00 Bilge Pumps (thanks to David Pascoe for the information)
Dec 99 Rebedding Deck Fittings
Nov 99 Laying Up
Sep 99 Osmosis – The Cause and the Cure
Aug 99 Winch Maintenance
Jul 99 Gelcoat Cracks
Jun 99 Various – Rolite polishing compound, McLube dry lubricant, pump-out technique, pinning the turnbuckles, hazards of Paramain Schoal, cleaning the water thank
May 99 Engine Alignment
Apr 99 Hull Maintenance – gelcoat hull, painted hulls
Mar 99 Various – Varnishing, checking the cockpit drain hoses, spring oil change
Feb 99 Diesel Maintenance (oils and filters)
Page maintained by Public Relations