Save time with typical desktop keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts for WordPress Block Editor.

The new WordPress Gutenberg editor is a fully block-based editor in which you use various blocks to create content. The block editor supports all the standard keyboard shortcuts, but there are more Gutenberg-specific keyboard shortcuts. Below are the most useful Gutenberg keyboard shortcuts that you can use.

Gutenberg Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows Users:

  • Enter = Add a new block
  • Ctrl + Shift + d = Duplicate the selected block(s)
  • Alt + Shift + z = Remove the selected block(s)
  • Ctrl + Alt + t = Insert a new block before the selected block(s)
  • Ctrl + Alt + y = Insert a new block after the selected block(s)
  • / = Change the block type after adding a new paragraph
  • Esc = Clear selection
  • Ctrl + Shift + z = Redo your last undo
  • Ctrl + Shift + , = Show or hide the settings bar
  • Alt + Shift + o = Open the block navigation menu
  • Alt + Shift + n = Navigate to the next part of the editor
  • Alt + Shift + p = Navigate to the previous part of the editor
  • Alt + F10 = Navigate to the nearest toolbar
  • Ctrl + Shift + Alt + m = Switch between Visual Editor and Code Editor
  • Gutenberg Keyboard Shortcuts for Mac Users:

  • Enter = Add a new block
  • / = Change the block type after adding a new paragraph
  • Command + Shift + d = Duplicate the selected block(s)
  • Control + Option + z = Remove the selected block(s)
  • Command + Option + t = Insert a new block before the selected block(s)
  • Command + Option + y = Insert a new block after the selected block(s)
  • Esc = Clear selection
  • Command+ Shift + z = Redo your last undo
  • Command + Shift + , = Show or hide the settings bar
  • Option + Control + o = Open the block navigation menu
  • Option + Control + n = Navigate to the next part of the editor
  • Option + Control + p = Navigate to the previous part of the editor
  • fn + Option + F10 = Navigate to the nearest toolbar
  • Command + Option + Shift + m = Switch between Visual and Code Editor
  • Keyboard Shortcuts for Classic WordPress Editor

  • If you are still using the classic WordPress editor, then you are actually missing out on a lot of cool new features and a faster writing experience. We recommend updating WordPress to the latest version or simply deactivating the classic editor plugin.
  • However, if you must use the old classic editor, then you can take advantage of these keyboard shortcuts.
  • The classic WordPress editor supports all the standard WordPress keyboard shortcuts mentioned at the top of this article and some other shortcuts given below.
  • Classic Editor Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows:

  • Ctrl + y = Redo
  • Alt + Shift + [number] = Insert heading sizes, e.g. Alt + Shift + 1 = <h1>, Alt + Shift + 2 = <h2>.
  • Alt + Shift + l = Align Left
  • Alt + Shift + j = Justify Text
  • Alt + Shift + c = Align Center
  • Alt + Shift + d = Strikethrough
  • Alt + Shift + r = Align Right
  • Alt + Shift + u = Unordered List
  • Alt + Shift + a = Insert link
  • Alt + Shift + o = Numeric List
  • Alt + Shift + s = Remove link
  • Alt + Shift + q = Quote
  • Alt + Shift + m = Insert Image
  • Alt + Shift + t = Insert More Tag
  • Alt + Shift + p = Insert Page Break tag
  • Alt + Shift + w = Fullscreen, distraction-free writing mode in visual editor mode
  • Alt + Shift + f = Fullscreen, distraction-free writing in plain text mode
  • Classic Editor Keyboard Shortcuts for Mac Users:

  • Command + y = Redo
  • Command + Option + [number] = Insert heading sizes, e.g. Alt + Shift + 1 = h1, Alt + Shift + 2 = h2
  • Command + Option + l = Align Left
  • Command + Option + j = Justify Text
  • Command + Option + c = Align Center
  • Command + Option + d = Strikethrough
  • Command + Option + r = Align Right
  • Command + Option + u = Unordered List
  • Command + Option + a = Insert link
  • Command + Option + o = Numeric List
  • Command + Option + s = Remove link
  • Command + Option + q = Quote
  • Command + Option + m = Insert Image
  • Command + Option + t = Insert More Tag
  • Command + Option + p = Insert Page Break tag
  • Command + Option + w = Fullscreen, distraction-free writing mode in visual editor mode
  • Command + Option + f = Fullscreen, distraction-free writing in plain text mode

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