We host some amazing events at NSC, but sometimes we don’t do as good a job at telling our stories, letting our members, and the world, know what we’ve done, and about the great regattas and other events that we’ve hosted. We do lots of promotion leading up to events, but want to be more consistent with follow-up reporting.

With that in mind, we’d like to ask all event organizers and regatta chairs to write an article (or delegate to someone) about the event they’ve hosted. In many cases, much of such an article could be written before the event, and the details added over the course of the event. Ideally, it would be great to get such reports up immediately following an event (i.e. the day right after the event). We also have the ability to write posts ahead of time and define a time at which they will be posted. This could be useful for adding a link to regatta results, for example, if the URL for the results is known in advance. In most cases, such event reports could, and should, also be published in the Telltale.

As examples of previous such reports, see the 2012 NOD regatta report that Ross Ernst wrote, which was posted on Sail-World.com; Matt Davidge also wrote a great one for the 2012 OSCGP that’s posted here.

Please send such event reports to the webmasters and one of them will ensure that it gets posted.

Page updated: 2023-07-29.

Update log
09 Sep: HM: Information first published on website as a post, https://nsc.wmtest.ca/an/blog/event-regatta-reports/. Previously, requests for such reports had been circulated by e-mail. It’s believed that post was converted to a page in 2015. See below.
26 Feb: Webmaster: First edit in WordPress log. Edits unknown.
03 Oct: Webmaster: Last edit before creation of update log. Edits unknown.
24 Mar: HM: Added this Update log. Minor editorial updates.
21 Apr: HM: Changed “web site” to “website”, to adopt newly agreed upon NSC standard.