Water levels are dropping steadily.  Provided the forecast holds, we should be able to position W and Service Docks safely during the week of May 15-19 and host Commercial Launch on May 20.

Vehicles:   The Yard is closed to vehicles between 09h00 and 16h00 on weekdays.  If you need to launch your boat during this time, please contact James Pole (613-829-6462 or mpm@nsc.ca)

Cranes: Both OFF (will change quickly)

Yard Power: OFF (will change quickly)

Yard Water: ON

Harbour:  Expecting to position docks between May 15 and 19th.

Commercial LaunchPlanned for May 20

Park and Trailer Launch: Opening will be delayed – there is currently no room for extra boats.

Tiger Dam: Partially “liqui-flated” and protecting the Clubhouse.

Water Levels:  For those interested, track Current & Historic and Forecast water levels. More info available on our Water Levels page.

Best luck with your preparations.  We appreciate your patience in less-than-ideal circumstances….if you have any questions, please reach out to me via email

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