This past Saturday was the beginning of the 2018 sailing season for 76 women who joined 12 presenters for 2018’s Women-in-Wind Conference. Women came from all the Lac Deschênes clubs as well as from the Rockcliffe and Brockville Yacht Clubs.

They are keelboat, dinghy and able sailors and non-sailors who want to learn more about the sport and to improve their skills.

No matter your level of expertise or your position on the boat there were topics of interest to you. Racing specific topics covered strategies for starting a race, rounding a mark, using the Racing Qs App to analyze your performance, and dealing with protests. Subjects like racing with limited experience were presented in ways that allowed women to learn more about how to sail. Other topics such as transitioning from crew to boat owner, teamwork and learning to communicate, dealing with sail trim, wind and hazards of Lac Deschênes, and going from cruising to racing in the Canadian Women’s Keelboat Championship were of interest to all. Presentation methodologies varied and all allowed women time to ask questions, ensuring the material met their needs. We are lucky to have such knowledgeable presenters and we thank them for being so willing to generously give their time.

Women-in-Wind is a day of learning, meeting old and new fellow sailors and recognizing that no matter your sailing level, there are other sailors willing to share their knowledge and experience so everyone learns. Thanks to BYC staff who ensured the day flowed well, technology worked and all had the nutrition necessary to enjoy the day’s events.

The full agenda and detailed list of this year’s Workshops and Presenters is available on the Women in Wind page.

Kit Holmwood & Ruth Martin
2018 Women in Wind Co-Chairs

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