Years on Tall Ships: Elisabeth Sarazin-Laan grew up sailing at NSC and has since sailed as crew on 10 different tall ships.  Last year, she went to sea for 10 months, sailing as a teacher with Class Afloat, visiting 2elis 1 small2 different ports on 4 continents.

  • She has also crewed for Sail Training International races and sailed extensively throughout the Great Lakes, Southern California and the Maritime provinces.
  • Elisabeth is currently teaching grade 8 social studies at Samuel Genest high school and shares her stories about life at sea with her students on a daily basis.elis 2 small

The kitchen will be open from 5:00 to 7:30 p.m., so feel free to join us for a bite and a beer before the talk, which will start at 7:30 p.m. Bring yourself. Bring your friends. Attendees are asked to make a donation to support youth sailing.

For the complete Winter Speakers Program, see the Speakers Series Calendar.

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