Sailing from Toronto to Thunder Bay – With stunning imagery Alexei will show you how he and his wife Elena sailed from Toronto via Lake Erie and the Manitoulin Basin of Lake Huron, and  the North shore of Lake Superior to Thunder Bay.

Along the way they visited  Michipicoten Island, experienced the wild and dangerous beauty of the Pukaskwa River and the foggy and enigmatic Slate Islands before arriving at the west-most point of the St. Lawrence Sea Way. The return journey contained numerous encounters with wild life while anchored in beautiful but isolated coves and bays. Their route crissalexie route-crossed the North Channel and Georgian Bay before traversing the charming Trent-Severn Canal.

An aquatic ecologist, Alexei Pachkevitch worked for many years as a research scientist on the lakes and rivers of the USSR.  In recent years, Alexei and Elena have sailed extensively within the 1000 Islands and around Lake Ontario. In 2011 they sailed from Toronto to Quebec City and back. In the summer of 2013 they cruised from Toronto to Thunder Bay and returned through the North Channel and the Trent-Severn Waterway.alexei

A graduate of  the New-York Institute of Photography, Alexei has used his photography to
capture the beauty of the Canadian wilderness in his travels, and the free spirit of traveling by sail. Examples of his photographs are available at

Members of all local sailing clubs obtain a discount on food purchases by showing a valid club membership card. The kitchen will be open from 5:00 to 7:30 p.m., so feel free to join us for a bite and a beer before the talk, which will start at 7:30 p.m.   Bring yourself. Bring your friends. Attendees are asked to make a donation to support youth sailing.

For the complete Winter Speakers Program, see the Speakers Series Calendar.

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