NSC members Matthew and Kathleen returned last year from a year spent cruising the Caribbean on their 43 foot sailboat including buying and importing a boat, a pre-cruise refit and participating in the ARC Caribbean 1500.

In addition to describing their cruising experiences they will address the transition from life in a house to life on board, and the misconceptions related to cruising (including the practicalities of living on a boat 24/7 in the Caribbean).

The kitchen opens at 5.00 pm, and the presentation will start at 7:30 p.m.  Check the Galley menu for specials.  Members of all local sailing clubs obtain a discount on food purchases by showing a valid club membership card. Attendees are asked to make a donation to support the NSC Legacy fund.

The speaker series continues weekly until April 11. Please see the Winter Speaker page for details.


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