Educator, environmentalist and social entrepreneur, Geoffrey Green C.M.  will present highlights of the Canada C3 expedition: a 150-day, 25,000 km sailing journey around Canada’s coastline to celebrate Canada’s 150th Anniversary of Confederation.

Geoff Green is a respected and trusted leader in the national and international Polar community. For the past 23 years Geoff has dedicated his career to raising awareness and understanding of the Arctic, the Antarctic and places in between. He is known as a connector and bridge builder with a visionary and creative spirit.

Geoff is the founder and president of the Students on Ice Foundation, an internationally renowned program that has taken more than 3,000 youth, educators,elders, experts, scientists, leaders and artists from around the world on educational journeys to the Arctic and Antarctic.

Geoff was appointed to the Order of Canada in 2012. In 2015, he was selected as one of the top 100 Greatest Canadian Explorers. In 2010, Geoff was voted as one of the Top 25 Transformational Canadians. The Globe & Mail called Geoff “the man who revolutionized polar and environmental education”. He was bestowed the Inuktitut name “Pitsiulak” by the Commissioner of Nunavut in 2009 for his work with Inuit youth. In 2007, Geoff was awarded the Citation of Merit for outstanding feats of exploration and service by the prestigious Explorers Club in New York City.

Geoff’s experience working and traveling across the Circumpolar Arctic, the Antarctic, and across the global ocean is extensive and diverse. He has worked and collaborated on national and international projects in education, science, media and conservation. He has led over 125 expeditions to the Polar Regions.

In 2017, Geoff completed his most ambitious project to date – the Canada C3 expedition, a 150-day, 25,000 km sailing journey around Canada’s coastline to celebrate Canada’s 150th Anniversary of Confederation. The expedition’s themes were youth engagement, environment, diversity & inclusion and reconciliation.

The successful journey reached an audience of over 20 million.

The kitchen opens at 5.00 pm, and the presentation will start at 7:30 p.m.  Check the Galley menu for specials.  Members of all local sailing clubs obtain a discount on food purchases by showing a valid club membership card. Attendees are asked to make a donation to support the NSC Legacy fund.

The speaker series continues weekly until April 18. Please see the Winter Speaker page for details.

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