For the past 16 years, NSC has scheduled a Winter Speaker Series on 12 Wednesday evenings from January to April to keep the sailing community together, to inform, entertain and inspire, and discuss topics of interest to sailors and help raise funds for youth sailing.

Topics are chosen based on your past feedback and from areas that include cruising, boat maintenance, and informative overviews of how the club works and benefits its members.

If you’re interested in presenting a topic, we still have 2-3 slots open. We’d love to hear from you! (Please contact

Since the advent of Covid, planning on whether to hold an on-site series at NSC versus an on-line series on ZOOM has become problematic. This coming January, NSC will begin holding on-line zoom sessions each Wednesday but if & when it becomes permitted & safe, we plan to switch to on-site sessions. The Winter Speaker Series will be open, as always, to the public and the full slate of topics will appear shortly on the website and in the Telltale.

Dave Bradly
Director, Public Relations

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