The History of Rigging – Peter’s slide-show describes the development & evolution of sailing ship types and rigging from earliest records to the present day. Western ship development is emphasized, but Chinese & south Pacific craft are included for comparison. A question and answer session will follow.
If time and interest permit, Peter will also present slides showing different warships of Nelson’s time in action.
Peter developed this presentation for a Texas Maritime Museum, while
he worked on Columbus’s Nina’s restoration. He is a retired architect, sailor, pilot, and boat builder.
Members of all local sailing clubs obtain a discount on food purchases by showing a valid club membership card.The kitchen will be open from 5:00 to 7:30 p.m., so feel free to join us for a bite and a beer before the talk.
The presentation will start at 7:30 p.m. Bring yourself. Bring your friends. Attendees are asked to make a donation to support youth sailing.
For the complete Winter Speakers Program, see the Speakers Series Calendar.