Our Winter Speaker Series starts on January 19, with a different perspective on ocean sailing. As yacht owners, crew or passengers it’s easy to gain an appreciation of life on the water. But what about living and working underwater? 

Michael will explain how submariners live and work, how they go about their daily routines and how they conduct some unique operations below your keels.

Michael joined the British Royal Navy as boy seaman at the age 15. Having risen through the ranks and graduating from Britannia Royal Naval College Dartmouth he volunteered for submarine service. Michael initially served on diesel submarines with operations in the Atlantic, Mediterranean and Barents. Following nuclear reactor training at Greenwich Naval College he served on Polaris and Churchill class nuclear submarines including service on HMS Courageous during the Falklands War.

Michael joined the Royal Canadian Navy for its venture into nuclear submarine acquisition but with the program’s demise left for a civilian career.

Post “911” he joined Canada’s Department of Foreign Affairs to lead a G8 initiative to assist Russia in dismantling its retired nuclear submarine flotilla. Whilst leading the program he was elected as Chairman of the IAEA’s Contact Expert Group. Michael is sea command qualified in two navies and a member of the Nautical Institute of London. Michael holds an MBA from the University of Ottawa’s Telfer Executive Program.

Michael’s presentation is part of the NSC Winter Speaker’s program, which promotes ongoing learning about all things nautical, as well as cruising and competitive sailing. Our contributors and organizers are all volunteers, and they and our audience come from clubs and organizations bordering both sides of the Ottawa River, and beyond.

This year we are using Eventbrite to publish the online link. This is in response to requests to make it possible to make a donation, as has been the tradition for as long as these talks have been held.

The meeting is free to attend, but we ask that you consider making a small donation. All proceeds will go to the NSC Legacy Fund, which supports competitive sailing for youth and Able Sail members.  When you click on the link you will be able to register for the talk for free. You will also see a second option to make a donation. Please register first, and then make a donation if you wish.

Please register here.

After registration, you will receive an email with a link to attend the Zoom meeting.

The meeting starts at 7.30 pm, but we recommend that you check in to the “waiting room” up to 15 minutes early to check your connection for good quality video and sound. We will be playing content that will enable you to test.

During the webinar, you can use the Q&A button to ask questions at any time. The moderator will relay any questions to the presenter at the end of the presentation.

The schedule for the rest of the Winter Speaker season is here.

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