Please take 5 minutes to take this survey to share your feedback.   Thanks to all those who already responded! Some great suggestions received. If you plan to do so, please respond by Friday November 15.

The idea is to provide a forum in which we can stay in touch with all things sailing (and power) through the winter season. Presenters range from members sharing their experiences on the water at home and abroad to professional adventurers, charters and flotilla organizers. We have a number of speakers lined up already for the coming 2020 series, due to run from January through mid April on Wednesday evenings.

Please let us know what you would like to see this year, and also what you particularly liked about last year. The survey is multiple choice, but you can add comments if you wish.

If you have never been to a Speaker night before: it takes place on Wednesday evenings (starting Jan 15). Arrive any time after 5pm to get something to eat and drink at the Galley and catch up with fellow sailors from NSC and other clubs. The presentation itself starts at 7.30 pm. The schedule will be published in early January. Admission is free, but we ask for a small voluntary donation to the legacy fund.

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