Escaping Winters by Cruising Florida & the Bahamas. Bob and Sherry spent five winters cruising their Hunter 356 along the East Coast of Florida and in the Bahamas. Prior to that they trailered their Hunter 260 from the NSC to cruise southern Florida including Miami and the Florida Keys.

Practical tips will be offered on both ways to experience winter on a boat. Bob will describe their adventures trailering the surprisingly spacious 6,000 lb 26 foot Hunter with a swing keel allowing anchoring close to shore. It could also be ramp launched.

They will review their change to a 36 foot Hunter, including the buying process in Florida, upgrades and summer storage. Life aboard & adventures in Miami, Eastern Florida & crossing the Gulf Stream to cruise the Bahamas Abacos region will be explored.

Sherry is a photography enthusiast who sells her photos internationally, mainly through Getty Images. Her photos and videos will illustrate the presentation. She will also hand out “boat friendly” recipes for drinks, appetizers and meals that worked well for their sailing trips.

The kitchen opens at 5.00 pm, and the presentation will start at 7:30 p.m.  Check the Galley menu for specials.  Members of all local sailing clubs obtain a discount on food purchases by showing a valid club membership card. Attendees are asked to make a donation to support the NSC Legacy fund.

Upcoming speakers: April 12 Uncle Al & Panel: Dinghy Racing Strategies.  For the complete Winter Speakers Program, see the Speakers Series Calendar.

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