With the re-schedule of club launch (and part of the NSC fleet still onshore), the originally scheduled starts to the NSC 2017 Ice Breaker and Dinghy weeknight race series have been deferred a week as well. The following scheduled weeknight races as per the 2017 Sailing Instructions and club calendar are cancelled:

Tuesday May 9th (NSC Ice Breaker PHRF)
Thursday May 11th (NSC Ice Breaker PHRF & JAM)
Monday May 15th (Interclub Women’s Keelboat)
Wednesday May 17th (NSC Dinghy & Cats)

For those fortunate enough to already be afloat, best get some team practise in next week because the boats ashore will have another week to work on their go-fast upgrades for 2017:)

With the unprecedented Ottawa river levels this spring, the 2017 NSC Ice Breaker and Dinghy Spring Series is looking to be a significant and memorable one for NSC weeknight racers and will continue till the BYC gates are out and Interclub racing begins.

In the meantime, check out the changes in the 2017 Sailing Instructions, and in particular Part G which describes the NSC Ice Breaker Series.

Can’t wait to get out there with the rest of the club fleet!

Ross Ernst
NSC Fleet Captain 2017


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