Have you tried using the “Search” function at the top-right of the home page? Our website contains more than 1300 posts, 400+ pages, and well over 2000 static html pages, which means that some pages are more than a couple of clicks away, and may sometimes be hard to find.

Searching for a particular text string in the “Search” box will almost always find you what you’re looking, but there are also other search options available:

  • Looking for a particular post from a given month? Then use the drop-down menu of “Archives” to the bottom-right and select the appropriate month.
  • Looking for a post on a particular subject? Then use the drop-down menu of “Categories”.
  • Really stuck? Try a Google Advanced Search, and enter nsc.ca in the domain name.

The first few options will search NSC’s WordPress pages and posts dating back to 2009; many pages from pre-2009 have been converted into WordPress and are also searchable. A Google search of the nsc.ca domain will search all pages, including static html pages, and pages like our old TechTalk articles, which are actually static html pages in a php wrapper, made to look like WordPress pages.

One can also search for all posts or pages in the same Category or by the same Author by clicking on the links in the meta-data line at the bottom of a post; for example, click on the word “Website” or “H. Morrin” in “This entry was posted in Website on 06 Sep 2021 by H. Morrin” displayed at the end of this post.

Note that posts appear on our home page in reverse chronological order; older posts either scroll off the bottom or get “expired”, but are rarely deleted. So details of old events are usually still available if you search for them.

201-09-12, DS: added the section “Searching for all posts or pages in the same…’, and this log section.

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