In the fast moving digital world, few things stand the test of time like the NSC website. First registered in 1998, the site has gone through many redesigns over the years under the leadership of longtime volunteers Daniel Servranckx and Hugh Morrin. Thanks to their tremendous dedication and hard work, the site has increased in functionality and amassed a wealth of content, keeping members informed and preserving many records of club activity.

Sailboat just passing the sun low in the sky, with it reflecting off the water.

The time is upon us to renew the website to continue serving our members, while also showcasing what NSC has to offer to the larger community. The journey to develop a new website started two years ago with a vision to develop a site that brings the deep content from the current site onto a more modern platform that is visually inviting. You’ll see fresh visuals and restructured content. The responsive design of the new website will make it easier to interact with on mobile and tablet devices. The site is built with web accessibility features to demonstrate the club’s commitment to making the sport accessible to everyone.

The redevelopment process began with an extensive research phase which included a members’ survey, a review of the website analytics and focus groups. We’re excited to share our new site with you in the coming weeks. The Public Relations Director will continue to keep you updated in the leadup to the launch, which will take place following the Annual General Meeting.

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