We are approaching one of the busiest times in the NSC Yard as we re-configure for winter storage.  Before you make plans to come over to NSC to prepare your own boat for storage, please be mindful of the following access restrictions planned for the Yard between now and October 28:

  • In General:
    • Parking is not allowed in the Yard until further notice
    • The vehicle gate may be shut off at specific times (see below) prohibiting vehicle access
    • Please ferry your equipment in the Yard by hand using carts and the east pedestrian gate – please return the carts promptly and don’t hold on to them while you’re puttering on your boat.
    • On some days (see below) areas of the Yard will be marked out of bounds, Please stay well clear of all marked areas.
  • Friday Oct 20:
    • Vehicle Gate operating as normal, hard deadline at 17h00 for Park and Trailer Launch boats to be ready for storage or removed from the Yard.
  • Saturday Oct 21:
    • Trailer Launch and Park reconfiguration, start of Cradle layout for Commercial Haul Out (CHO).
    • There will be no vehicles allowed in the Yard until work is done. 
    • Vehicle Gate will be shut off, Trailer Launch and Park areas will be roped off in the morning, CHO area is out of bounds in the late afternoon and evening.
  • Sunday Oct 22:
    • Finishing Cradle layout, vehicle gate will be shut off.
    • There will be no vehicles allowed in the Yard until work is done.
    • The CHO area will be out of bounds.
  • Tuesday Oct 24:
    • Heavy equipment on site to move and place cradles.
    • No vehicles allowed in the Yard, gate will be shut off until equipment leaves
  • Saturday Oct 28:
    • Commercial Haul Out, large cranes on site
    • Vehicle gate will be shut off.
    • No vehicles in the Yard until cranes leave

Please reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns,

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